Chapter One~

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A/n: Such a pretty flower.

°Four years ago°

"W-what are you saying mom?" Tears flowed freely across your face from the shock of this devastating news. You collapsed on the floor trying to make sense of everything.

"Do I need to repeat myself? Your father died, simple as that." She sneered at the very mention of your other parent. "A drug deal near his house went wrong and your father got caught in the crossfire." She shrugged nonchalantly and turned her head to your crumpled form on the floor. She frowned as she saw you cry and bent down to reassure you that everything would be okay.

Before she could though, you sat up and slapped her hand away. Hate molded onto your features, "Don't you dare touch me (m/n)[mom's name]. We both know this is your fucking fault." Before she could yell at you, you ran as fast as you could out of the house. Not caring whether or not you were wearing shoes.


A normal stranger wouldn't realize how manipulative and vengeful my birth-giver could be. It takes a special person to figure that out. She didn't give up any of the people she had shady dealings with when she got clean of the drugs. She was, after all, good friends with each and every one of them. They could have easily staged something to kill my dad.

He was going to turn my mother into the police, she had been much more than just using again. She did a pretty good job hiding it from me too. But, anyone who spent a lot of time with her could tell she was acting worse than usual. I was too much of a wuss to do anything except tell my father. I just wanted to help my mom and I thought dad could help.

I dont't even know if (m/n) was doing this to punish me and dad or save herself. She hated how similar I was to my dad. If I did anything that remotely reminded her of him she would just go off and scream at me. Sometimes she would end up grounding me, only being able to sleep, eat, do homework, and go to school.

I was just a useless, quirkless, child. Heck, even my little brother... Brother... Oh, no. What happens to (B/n) now that dad's gone? His mother was deemed incapable for caring for him, so she's out of the picture. And (m/n) would never take him in to live with us...

I have to make sure he's okay...

*Flashback Over*

(2nd P.O.V.)
There was a large auditorium-like room that all the students were gathered in, you sighed in annoyance, everyone around you was so loud. Of course, you oversleep every other FREAKING day, but when you ACTUALLY need it, you have no desire to sleep!

Finally finding an empty seat, you sat down quietly, trying not to disturb those that surrounded you.

You start banging your head on the empty seat in front of you, hoping to knock yourself out for a few minutes. You didn't even care about the strange looks you were getting. Your mind was only on one thing, and one thing only.


You groaned and slumped back in your seat, pouting a little at the headache starting to form from your futile attempt to knock yourself out. You heard a quiet voice coming from the empty seat in front of you, "Um, are you... Okay?"

You raised an eyebrow and rubbed your eyes, did that chair just... "U-um, I'm not so sure, I think I maybe hit my head too hard and am now going crazy. Because last I checked, chairs don't talk."

This time, there was a loud laugh coming from the living-chair, "You're hilarious! I'm not a chair, silly. I'm a person! Toru Hagakure! My quirk is invisibility! But, I guess it's even harder to see me, since the lights are so dim. So, what's your name!"

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