Chapter Four~

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·Four Years Ago·

I dodged a blow from the man that had been stepping on my back earlier, only to come face-to-face with my father once again. My breath hitched in my throat. I knew it was a quirk but, it still felt so real.

Taking advantage of my momentary confusion, one of the men wrapped their arms around my torso, trapping my arms and restraining me. "Fuck you! Get off me!" I kept kicking and screaming, trying to escape his hold. That is, until I heard a vile, gurgling sound.

I turned my head towards the noise and my heart stopped for a long moment. Tears began to run down my dirt-stained face and blurred my vision. My muscles strained even harder, trying to escape his grasp. "HE'S FUCKING SIX! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM YOU GODDAMN PSYCHOS!?" I moved my leg to the inside of his own and kneed him in the groin. He let out a grunt of pain before releasing me.

I crawled towards the motionless form and examined him. His legs and arms were twisted and bent in angles they shouldn't be. Deep cuts and lacerations decorated his open skin. His eyes were lifeless, a dull grey compared to what they used to be. Bruises and swelling were already there.

'What the hell did they do to him before I got here?!'

"What the hell was this for, if you were sent to kill him, why didn't you just do that?! N-not torture him?!" I ripped my gaze away from his battered form to glare at the men, "WELL?!"

I was ignored. Their guilty act earlier was just that, an act. They didn't give a shit.

I turned back around and slowly and carefully picked up (B/n) in my arms.

I held him in my arms as I rocked back and forth, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry (B/n). I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." I continued with my ramblings, not caring about the men behind me.

°End of Flashback°

(1st P.O.V.)

The last few assessments weren't the hardest. I would say I did average, there isn't much anyone could have helped me with. I just hope my scores were at least average.

Mr. Aizawa turned the screen on to show our scores. My eyes landed on 11th place, (Y/n) (L/n). I mentally patted myself on the back, not bad. Not good either, but at least I'm in the middle. I continued to examine the scores, trying to put faces to the names. The smile faded from my face when I saw who was in last place. My head turned to gaze at the boy, he was clenching his fists and looked like he was about to cry.

I wanted to do something, anything. But what could I have said?

'Better luck next time!' That just makes me sound like I'm mocking him.

'I'm sorry.' I'm sure he doesn't want people taking pity on him,


I could always yell at Aizawa.


I lifted my eyes to stare at the grown man, he looked to be deep in thought until he said something that shocked the whole class, "I was lying, no one's going home."


"It was just a rational deception to make sure everyone tried their best!" My jaw dropped and I stared at him, 'Like heck he was lying!'

"I'm sorry, I guess I should have told everyone. I thought it was pretty obvious." I whipped my head towards the black-haired female and the whole class shared a unison, "YOU THINK?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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