Chapter Three~

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The cover is your 3 Fairies.

°Four Years Ago°

"Listen, kid. We gotta job to do. Now, it's unfortunate that he's your brother, ya, but no one's gettin' in our way. We have to finish this no matter what, so how about you just scurry along and act like nothin' happened." Are they seriously trying to negotiate? This is my brother, don't expect me to leave.

I snarled at him and said in a mocking tone, "Sorry, man. But I just can't let this go. You're going to give him back, 'no matter what.'" The men behind him scoffed and uttered words like, stubborn, bitch, and a whole other variety of profanities.

I turned around quickly and jogged to where my brother was. I stood in a position so I could see the offenders in my peripheral vision, "Don't worry (B/n) I'm going to get you out of here, I promise." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and was about to say something until he was interuppted by my body crashing on top of his. He let out a hollow scream, his voice had gone due to his previous cries of pain.

"We told you we need him. And you're not getting in our way." One of the leaders' goonie's was pressing his heel against my back. I let out a small hiss of pain, shit, I don't even know what their quirks are. How am I supposed to fight them off- My thoughts were quickly stopped as soon as I felt hands wrap around my neck.

Whoever it was, pulled me off of my brothers body and lifted me into the air. I was turned around, only to be staring into the eyes of my father. My eyes widened and I just floated there, desperately digging my fingernails into the hands that held me. "Ow! You fucking bitch!"

My throat was let go of and I dropped to the ground. I quickly looked back up to confirm if what I saw WAS what I saw. It turns out that what I saw was just someone's quirk. I quickly stood back up, I can't let that get to me. I have to protect my brother no matter what.

(First P.O.V)

"1, 2, 3, GO!"

Raven lifted her large wings and pushed foreward. Before she landed, I jumped off her back and did a tuck and roll once I got to the ground. As soon as I stood up I yelled, "Aha!" But my glory didn't last long because when Raven landed, the wind around her caused me to fall backwards and land on my butt.

The meter beeped and it read, '4.0 seconds.' I stood back up as if nothing ever happened and looked back over to where Ace was, his body couldn't handle the wind pressure so he went flying a few meters away. I was gonna tease him about it too, but I decided against it. I should probably get the ball rolling.

I walked over to the rest of my classmates. Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya were congratulating me on my score. After my conversation ended with the trio, I felt a hand tap my shoulder, I turned around, only to not see anyone. I frowned, I could have sworn- "Hey (N/n)! Remember me?" I know that voice!

I fully turned my body around and smiled, "How could I forget meeting a living chair?" We both laughed and we went on talking until Aizawa announced that it was time for the second assessment.


I looked down at the device. How the fudge am I supposed to do this? Density doesn't really change anything, I could have someone do it with me though.

I called for Barra and Rae, they by-far have the most strength of my supernaturals. Besides my humongous ones. "Barrette, I need your help please." They came crawling out of wherever they came from and looked up at me with curiosity written on their faces.

"Okay, here's what I need you to do, I'm going to put my hand here," I put my hand onto the device, "and I need you to put your hands right next to mine and squeeze as hard as you can. Can you do it?" They looked up at me with bright smiles and nodded really fast. They turned to each other and spoke in their little strange goblin language.

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