2: Delivery Problems

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      While Ashley is upstairs looking for something that will fit her large frame better, Detective Gabriel remains in the dining room. He is staring at the jewelry box, looking at the intricate carvings on it as if he hopes to learn something more about it. These figures all look foreign to him and as far as he can tell they may as well be. The exterior is telling him nothing about the box. Where did it come from? Who made it? What is its purpose? While the exterior may not be yielding any answers, he wonders if the interior will.

Opening the jewelry box is a bad idea, knowing that opening it for even a brief moment will cause Ashley to grow even more. Her head is already several inches away from the ceiling and another surge of growth could send her head into the ceiling.

He can hear the sound of heavy footsteps above him, presumably the sound of Ashley's bare feet going down a hallway and into her room. Gabriel's face turns red when he hears Ashley letting out a groan of relief which is then followed by her saying, "It feels so good to get out of these tight clothes." Those words are enough to distract the detective from his current task as he is picturing her without her clothes on. A part of him knows that his mind shouldn't wander to such images of her but he is still a man who admires the female form. He can just picture the perfect body that she has, her breasts full and soft. His attention soon moves onto her long hair, how it just flows along the length of her body. Despite the woman's extreme height she has recently gained, he can still picture himself being with her exactly the way she is. He wouldn't mind being with someone who is taller than him, being under an average height he had a good idea that it would be likely to happen.

The sound of Ashley's voice is still carrying from the room above, making the detective aware of the problems she now has to face. "Too small. Too small. Definitely too small. Looks like wearing clothes is out of the question. Guess I will just have to improvise." He can hear her walking once again, the weight that is behind every step is audible. "This should work, it is long enough. Wrap it around myself several times and... Perfect! Just like wearing a dress."

Gabriel gets up from the table when he hears Ashley start to walk again. Following the sound of her heavy footsteps, he stops when he reaches the stairs. Soon Ashley starts to walk down the stairs, slowly. With her feet hanging so far over each step she is taking her time with each step she takes. The banister and railing creak as she is using them to steady herself, neither one being designed to support so much weight from a single person.

When she reaches the bottom, she stands upright to look at Gabriel. For her entire life most of her life she always had to look up at others; but with these series of growth spurts she finds it odd that she has to look down at others. A part of her does think that it is nice, though she only wishes that her view wasn't so high up. "Well, how do I look?"

Gabriel is looking up at the tall woman before him, something he has to do since he would be looking at her stomach otherwise. His eyes soon travel down her body, taking note of what she is using as a make-shift dress; it looks as though she has taken a green bed sheet and wrapped it around her body like it is a bath towel. The bottom stops just short of her ankles, her bare feet in easy view. He then looks back at her face, rubbing his neck from how sore it is starting to feel.

Several words come to his mind when it comes to describing Ashley; beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, graceful, and alluring are all words that come to mind. "You look lovely," he says, deciding that lovely would be the best word to use.

"Thank you," Ashley responds with a smile, her cheeks turning red. Of all the words he could have chosen to describe her, he chose to call her lovely? Even when she towers over him, her head so close to the ceiling when she is standing upright? Her heart skips a beat, realizing that she could have a chance with him, that he could accept her how she is. These thoughts soon fade when another possibility enters her thoughts, he is only being nice. Her smile fades slightly at this possible truth. Regardless of what the truth is, his words do help her to feel better about herself.

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