Chapter 10

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I decided to get some fresh air as I was hot from playing just dance with Hongjoong and Yunho.

Hongjoong told me how to get outside to the back garden and I followed the way he told me. I opened the sliding door and sat on the steps going down from the patio, to the area with grass.

I'm glad it was the end of summer because I could feel the breeze hit me, cooling me down. I wonder if Seri will ever forgive me for everything I have done wrong. I basically ruined her life from birth.

I felt someone sit down next to me but I didn't look over as I was too busy in my thoughts to fully realise.

"You don't mind if I smoke next to you, do you?" The voice shocked me slightly. I looked over and it was Seonghwa.

"I don't mind." I smiled over to him trying to come across as friendly. I didn't want him to hate me. I feel like he is the only one who didn't like me out of all of the boys. I know he took me to that place he goes to but it was just because he felt sympathetic towards me. He found out my secret that I hid from everyone after all.

I looked over to him as he smoked his cigarette. I watched as he inhaled then exhaled it. He honestly looked so attractive. I mean he is attractive anyway but something about him smoking made him look even more attractive even if smoking is a disgusting habit as well.

"Do you want one?" Seonghwa asked, realising that I was looking over at him. How embarrassing! I was literally checking him out while he is right next to me. I nodded my head and mumbled a "yes please."

Seonghwa looked surprised but passed me the cigarette. I got my lighter out and lit it. I looked up at him and he looked even more shocked.

"You... the good girl... actually smokes?" Seonghwa gasped then smirked.


The only time I usually smoke is when I am with Jongho and he goes out for a cigarette. He always offers me one so I take it to relieve my stress. It really does work too. I couldn't take it up myself as an everyday thing because I couldn't afford to smoke.

"Hmm... that's interesting." Seonghwa thought out loud.

"Why is it?" I asked confused.

"Well good girls don't usually smoke but you do." Seonghwa then added "and don't even try to tell me you aren't a good girl. You get the highest grades in the school and you play by all the rules."

It's true. I'm one to follow rules, not break them but like I said, I need to relieve stress sometimes.

"I just need to sometimes." I said and inhaled more of my cigarette.

"I understand." Seonghwa replied not sounding sarcastic for the first time today.

We didn't say anything else for the next 5 minutes. I finished my cigarette, putting it in the ash tray next to us. I stood up and went to walk away but I was stopped by a hand that wrapped around mine.

I looked back to Seonghwa who was already looking at me. "Look... If you ever need anyone to talk to or anything, you can come to me. I know I don't seem like the most approachable person but I will help you. I know what you are going through. Just talk to me and it will help ease some of the pain. Even if I am busy, you can still come to me. I will still listen. Or even talk to anyone that you are comfortable talking to like Jongho or even San. They will listen and take care of you. All of us will!"

I nodded, shocked at what had came out of Seonghwa's mouth. I never thought I would hear him say anything like that. He knows what I am going through. He can't know everything because I haven't told these guys what I am going through. They only know what they see. Seonghwa knows about my scars and bruises but he doesn't know about my sister. Whereas some of the others know about my sister but not my scars.

None of them know about the bridge though. The only person is that hooded guy with the mask over his mouth and nose. I was set on looking for him at first as he was my saviour but maybe he doesn't want me to know him so I decided to give up. He would have told me his name if he wanted me to find him.

The two of us walked back in. I went through to the games room first and Seonghwa went to get a drink from the kitchen. I'm glad that Seonghwa doesn't seem to hate or dislike me anymore. Maybe he never did dislike me. Maybe he just tries to close people out who he isn't already close with.

Everyone was sat on the sofas chilling and just talking to each other. Jongho patted the space next to him for me to sit down. I walked towards him and sat in the space, cuddling into him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Seonghwa then walked in and sat by Wooyoung.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" Mingi asked looking unsure.

"Yes, I'm sure. We are just best friends." Jongho explained.

"Can we be best friends y/n? I want a cuddle buddy." Wooyoung asked and San nodded his head eagerly in agreement saying "me too!"

Jongho sent a glare to the two which made me giggle as they pouted. I decided to reply. "Of course we can be best friends too! I love cuddles and hugs."

The two hyperactive boys cheered in happiness and ran over, crushing me in a big hug on the sofa along with Jongho who pouted in jealousy.

His pout turned into a grin when I whispered "you are my number 1 best friend though."

The rest of the night was full of laughter and happiness. I don't think I have ever been this happy before other than when I am hanging out with Jongho. It feels great though.
Sorry for taking longer than usual! I was going to update yesterday morning but I have been un well and the pain hurt too much!!! Luckily the pain has gone down now as I have taken some tablets but it still hurts a bit when I sit up or move.

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