Chapter 24

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Damn, they look so good here!!!
They always do tbh but this just shocked me!!!

I awoke in Seonghwa's bed but he wasn't here. Where did he go? I looked around and saw no sign of him but I saw paper on his bedside table.

It was a note.

It read;
'Hey y/n!
Sorry I had to leave you this morning. I have some things I need to sort out. You can invite anyone over if you want to. Make yourself at home too. My parents won't mind!
See you later,
Seonghwa x

I wonder where he went!

I didn't think too much about it.

I thought of who to invite over. Jongho still wasn't talking to me so he was a no go. Mingi is friends with me but we don't really talk enough to invite him over and the same goes for Hongjoong. I do feel like I should get to know them better so we can be close as well though. Yunho had plans today already. He has a date with someone from another university.

That left me with three other options. San Wooyoung or Yeosang!

Would Seonghwa mind if I invited all three of them? I mean he did say that I can invite anyone over. I guess it will be ok!

I decided to add them to a new group chat and invite the trio over.

Y/N: hey! Do you guys want to spend the day with me? Seonghwa said I could invite you over <3

In less than 10 seconds, I got a reply.

Woo<3: you stayed at Seonghwa's again? I think we need to talk about the details!!! <3

Yeosang: I'm up for it! And I'm up for the juicy details too! ;)

San: sure!! I will be there in 20 minutes :p

Y/N: see you in a bit :D

I put my phone down and rushed to get ready. I had a quick shower and did everything I needed to do in the bathroom. I then got into a pair of leggings and a oversized top. I put my hair up in a messy bun after drying it

As I was getting ready, I thought back to last night.

Did Seonghwa really enjoy it?

His note seemed a bit blunt.

Was I too boring?

Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

I finished putting a little bit of makeup on when the doorbell rang.

I ran downstairs and went to see if it was San, Wooyoung or Yeosang at the door.

I opened it with a big grin for it to be turned into a frown. The other person also had a frown on his face.

"Why are you here? Sleeping with all of my friends now? Before you fall, here is some advice. Seonghwa doesn't fall in love! He never does and he never will." Jongho snarled.

"I am not here to sleep with him!" My face fell though. Does Seonghwa really not fall in love?

"Why are you here then?" Jongho growled.

"I-I" I don't know what to say. What could I say? 'Oh hi Jongho. Seonghwa is keeping an eye on me because I tried to kill myself.' I don't think that would go down well if I said that.

"YOU WHAT Y/N? What could possibly be the need for you to be staying here?" Jongho was fuming.

I stayed quiet trying to stop tears from escaping my eyes but I failed miserably as one dropped. Soon I had many more tears fall.

"y/n?" Jongho said in a small voice.

(It was then that Jongho realised that y/n was a totally different person compared to a few weeks ago when they were best friends. Or y/n was always broken but Jongho had never realised.)

As I looked at Jongho, I saw a look of concern in his eyes.

"Please just leave! I'm not in the mood for this." I shut the door and locked it.

I ran upstairs and fell back onto Seonghwa's bed not wanting the others to come by now. I decided to text them.

Y/N: hey, I'm not feeling too well! Would it be ok if you guys come around another time?

After a few minutes, I still got no replies. Maybe they are annoyed at me because I cancelled on them.

I thought back to what Jongho said about Seonghwa. "He doesn't fall in love!"

Was I even in love? I had no idea. I don't even know what love is really. I have never experienced a relationship so how could I have experienced love?

At the end of it, if I do fall in love, I will be the broken one. What if-

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a rattle at the window. All of a sudden, I saw a figure. I knew who it was as soon as he came through the window.


Then another.


And another.


"I don't feel well today and I don't want you to catch whatever I have!" I sniffled and rolled over so they wouldn't see my tear stained face.

"Y/N, we aren't dumb! We saw Jongho leave just as we arrived."

Footsteps came closer and three boys were suddenly piling on top of me and pulling me into their embrace.

"Why did he come by?" Wooyoung asked but made an 'ouch' sound as Yeosang's hand came into contact with his arm.

"Mind your own business!" Yeosang tutted.

"It's alright Yeosang! I don't know why he came around but I think he wanted to see Seonghwa. When he saw me, he started asking me questions about Seonghwa and I. He told me that Seonghwa will never love me and that he will never be in a serious relationship with someone. I don't know why I am so bothered but it hurts."

"Maybe it's because you care for him!" San spoke up.

"I care for you guys too but I wouldn't get upset if you didn't want a relationship with me." I mumbled, not wanting them to feel offended or anything.

Wooyoung gasped. "You care for him in a different way y/n. You love him!"
Sorry for the slow update again! I will try and update every 3 days from now on.

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