Chapter 15

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Three days later
It is Tuesday and I am currently sat in my lecture next to Seonghwa. The two of us had gotten a lot closer since Saturday. Seonghwa always walks with me from the rooftop, to our lecture, then back to the rooftop and back to our lecture again. The only thing is that I feel like Seonghwa is only closer with me because he wants to help me. It is basically a friendship based off sympathy. He wouldn't be friends with me if this wasn't the case.

"Ok class, that is the end of the lesson. See you after your break!" Everyone stood up and left as soon as the teacher spoke.

I waited for almost everyone to leave before getting up as I couldn't be bothered to squeeze past all of the students and I knew Seonghwa felt the same.

We finally left the class to go up to the rooftop for lunch. I had been trying to cut down on my food since Seri had told me about my weight. However, I was finding it hard to skip lunch as Seonghwa had started bringing some food for me everyday. I tell him that I can bring my own food but he still brings it.

None of the other guys were at the rooftop yet so we both just sat and started eating. I picked up the baguette Seonghwa had bought me and started nibbling on it.

"You don't like it?" He frowned.

"I'm just not hungry." Biggest lie ever.

"Y/N, don't lie to me! You have been avoiding lunch since Friday. Is it because of what Seri said?"

I nodded. "I just want Seri to be happy with me for once. She has never been proud of me and she hates me because of everything I have done to her so I wanted to make her hate me less."

"Seri is a bitch! You don't need to change yourself to make her happy. Honestly, she will always be like this because she is a bitch. She thinks she is above everyone else and you don't need to try and impress anyone like that because you are amazing just the way you are. You don't need to change yourself. You are already beautiful. You are not overweight at all so do not listen to her."

I never had anyone say anything like that to me. Well other than the conversation Wooyoung and I had on Saturday morning about my scars.

"I am just fed up of not being good enough for her. I know I shouldn't care for other people's opinions but I do and it hurts when I'm being told so many negative things."

Seonghwa bought me into his embrace and patted my back. "You are good enough for anyone y/n. I would say you are even too good for Seri." I smiled as Seonghwa announced the last part. He really does know how to make me feel better.

"Thank you Seonghwa."

"You know at first, I thought you hated me. You were always blunt towards me and didn't make much conversation. But you are different now. You are the most approachable for me so thank you." I was unsure of how he would react to how I felt but it just kind of came out without me thinking before.

"I never hated you y/n. I just see how people are before I befriend them. If I thought of you as annoying or a bitch, I wouldn't be talking to you now but I watched how you were with the others and realised that you were nothing like that. I sometimes struggle with making friends. It is like I am scared that they will just leave me one day and I will not have anyone left."

I never knew that Seonghwa felt that way. That is why I never judge anyone from someone else's perspective. Everyone always said how these boys were rude, shallow and aggressive from the rumours they heard but I didn't want to believe it until I saw it myself. So far, I haven't seen any behaviour of that kind from any of them. I mean Seonghwa was a bit blunt at first but I understand why.

Everyone else had now came here and we were all chatting among each other. Well other than Jongho. Every time I would join in on the conversation, he would make conversation with someone else. He had refused to talk to me since our argument.

It made me feel so shit. I understand that I should have told him but I am not a child anymore and I didn't want to rely on him or pester him with every issue I had.

I decided to stop talking and just eat the rest of my lunch as I was getting frowned at by Jongho.

Everyone seemed to be laughing along with each other to the jokes they made. I on the other hand couldn't. I felt like all of my energy and happiness had drained from me.

Wooyoung looked over and realised that I was no longer joining in with the conversations and frowned.

Wooyoung then suddenly stood up and gave me a 'follow me' gesture with his hand. I followed and we went over to the other side of the rooftop where the rest wouldn't be able to hear us. They all looked over at us confused but soon carried on talking.

"You ok y/n? You look upset."

"I'm fine!"

"Y/N, I know that you aren't fine." Wooyoung told me truthfully and bought me into a hug. "It is ok to not be ok sometimes. You don't have to hide your feelings from me."

"I just feel like every time I speak, Jongho hates me more and more. I just feel like I don't belong here. It was great being friends with you all but I might just go back to just coming to university then going home. I need to focus more on studying anyway."

No ones POV
"Y/N, don't leave. He is just upset. He will get over it."

Wooyoung knew that y/n did not need to focus on studying. She has the highest grades after all. He knew that she was trying to close push everyone away.

"I'm sorry Wooyoung." And with that y/n walked away and Wooyoung was now furious. He wasn't furious with y/n. It was Jongho he was furious with.

Wooyoung walked back over to the boys trying to hold in his anger.

"Where did y/n go?" Asked Yunho. 

"She doesn't want to hang around with us anymore because she doesn't want to be uncomfortable." Wooyoung growled.

"She doesn't feel comfortable with us? Why not?" Yeosang frowned, clearly upset by y/n not feeling comfortable.

"No, not you. Him!" Wooyoung pointed over to Jongho. "Why the fuck do you have to make faces at her when she joins in with the conversation. This isn't just about you being upset with her over something stupid. Do you know how much she is hurting? You obviously don't!"

"She will be fine! She is just being dramatic." Jongho muttered. As he said those words, Wooyoung landed a punch to Jongho's face.

"You think she is just being dramatic. She is broken. She..." Wooyoung was stopped by Seonghwa who grabbed him and turned him away from Jongho giving him a pleading look.

Seonghwa pulled Wooyoung into a hug as he whispered. "She doesn't want anyone else to know." Wooyoung felt bad. He let his emotions get in the way of him instead of thinking what y/n wanted.

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