ii - Snare

3 0 0

– Diana –

A moment later, I felt I was walking for like forever...

But I don't mind anymore with this guy's little stories about ‘Alex’–his little ex-girlfriend,
...And how he narrates it, he was like a psychic!

"Well, yeah, Alex and I had this little misunderstanding about this fox thingy... And then, it resulted into us breaking up." he said, finishing off his little story.

"Yeah, It's like, I'm remembering someone..."

He looked up at me, "Is it him...?"

I looked back, eyes widen, "How'd you know?"

Steve surprises himself, jumping back, "Oh, well, let's say, I have the ability to read minds..?"

I stopped my walk a meter away from him, "Huh, really?"

This guy’s awful to say that...

"I'm awful...? Well, I'm telling you the truth!" he exclaimed, proving something.

It made up my mind and let him to take his prize,

"Okay, I believe you..."

"That's better..." he replied.

But as we continue our walks, we notice that we're standing right in front of a cobblestone building...

This building was pretty different and I think I have never been encountered one of the kinds before.

It was covered with moss, and with a two by two blocks entrance, and in the inside was pitching black and I could only see the grass four by four floors that are being lit by the sun.

We looked at each other stunned, with surprise on our eyes.

He turned ahead, "Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

"Are you speaking of loots?" I whispered, looking ahead.

"Ha! You got that! Let's go find that loot you're saying!" he said, taking off and disappearing into that room's darkness.

He didn't even turn at me and didn't even mind my words... Duh,

Fine, even if I will curse myself of just impressing a guy, I walked straight inside of that building...

The darkness blinded me at my first or second steps. I took my torch out of my inventory and attached it to the wall. The sense of this room is cold, and it's making me chill.

How does he manage to find loots without putting his torchlights out?

Gah, this guy's cray...

Yieee, can't stop thinking about it, huh?

Oh, shut yourself up!

Pretty guilty? Hmm... I see... Okay then, I'll leave it up to you! But just to let you know I am looking up for Steve-ex-Diana-version-1.0!

Geez just quit muttering!

And so, just to make that ass shut up, I began my first walk around that building...

It had three stories, the first one has too many windows and was too airy, the second one is where the door was, and the third one was leading into the basement. However, my knees were melting as I look at its frosty rooms; I knew I was a wimp, okay?

Ugh, should I go anyway?

Yeah, you should! Maybe you should go! Steve's waiting for you downstairs!

Oh please! Steve has ex! And he still loves whoever was her!

So, you're jealous?

Ugh, I can do this all day but not now!

So, in order to make that bullsh*t quit teasing me, I went downstairs anyway...

Well, I am right though... If I couldn't find a trace of Steve upstairs maybe he went down and... Maybe he can share the loot he found with me, he found it first anyways anndd if he's too kind about it...

As I went down, the darkness were too blinding at all. I placed torchlight on the wall that lights up a few blocks around me. Strolled this tunnel right, I placed another torch that's looking like a miniature sun that’s making sure that I will not trip around this spooky kind of structure that I barely catch what should I call...

That's when I saw a shining tripwire crossing both of the walls, and as I look deeper into it...

If Steve has been here, he could have destroyed these traps if he doesn't want to be trapped...
Or... Did he just, oh dear!

I hurriedly destroyed it so whatever redstone contraption it was connected to was dysfunctional. After that, I continue my little adventure at that miniature tunnel. As I walk deeper and deeper into that room, my confidence grew bigger and some expectations ran over into this little brain of mine.

Yes, wimpy-head! We're almost there!

Stop muttering! Just keep going!

I went through and destroyed another tripwire...

At the end of the hallway, I saw a chest...
And I opened it with haste.

But before opening it, I looked around me, finding some signs of Steve. How does he disappear this quickly?

Ugh, never mind of him!

I will just open this bad boy anyway...

And, as I was about to open the wooden chest that was standing shining in front of me. I felt something cold around of my neck and it makes my knees fell down, kneeling on the ground, and I saw the chest that was a block away from me, and suddenly my eyes closed blank.


– Steve –

Heh. Trusting strangers is the worst thing you had ever done to your life ‘Diana Granger’.


You are mine now, Diana. You're mine.

"Well done, Diana Granger. You have done the first step of being my instruments! Come and serve me!" I said rather slowly, I came close to her and tuck a strip of hair in the back of her ear. "You are rather beautiful, Diana Granger. If you will insist, I can make you my queen and we'll rule this whole world!"


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