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In which the girl who feels too much gets close to the boy who wants to feel nothing.

IF ONE WOULD ASK REGULUS BLACK to give his opinion on Alera Abbot, he would unhesitatingly tell you that she was a walking hazard to society.

But in his defence, she had accidentally almost killed/harmed him one too many times to count, starting from when they were five on a playdate when she had tripped while hugging a pile of building blocks close to her chest, thus sending them flying in the air before burying a wide-eyed Regulus beneath a pile, successfully giving him a scar on his forehead along with a concussion; to just recently, when due to a slip of her hand, she had managed to drop a pinch of pixie dust into Regulus' potion, causing it to erupt in flames and nearly set him on fire.

He hated her and personally felt that she was on a mission to kill him, no matter if his family thought that he was overreacting or his friends assumed he was cooking up conspiracy theories. 

Alera might be the sweetest and kindest person in Hogwarts, but Regulus was unyielding in his opinion that she was out to kill him, having gone as far as to write a letter naming her as his murderer and giving it to Krecher when he was ten, just in case.

But now, Regulus Black was in his last year at Hogwarts and knows one too many secrets of a certain Dark Lord who does not take kindly to traitors. Regulus was on a suicide mission, prepared to sacrifice himself if it means that the monster would finally be mortal.

If only Alera wasn't so observant or stubborn, then maybe she wouldn't have gotten roped into his quest, reasoning that since she's accidentally almost killed/hurt him so many times, imagine what she might do on purpose.

It's not like she gave him a choice in the matter, anyway. 

While he's prepared to die, she's prepared to kill. And it's either his life -if he forbids her from doing joining him- or the Dark Lord's that she is willing to take, and Regulus wisely chose the latter.

And that was the background story behind the excessive brewing of polyjuice potion, alarmingly increasing number of 'missing dragon' posters, books borrowed on 'How To Grow Your Own Man-Eating Plant At Home' and so many more chaotic havoc that would occur as the months progressed.

Oh, and also the longing stares, quick glances to beautiful lips and brushes of hands that both Regulus and Alera would firmly deny flashing to the other (even though they totally did).


timothee chalamet as Regulus Arcturus Black

timothee chalamet as Regulus Arcturus Black

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Accidentally on Purpose ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now