Chapter 6 | creatures & quidditch

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8th September, 1979 ~ Saturday


----------------------> THE RAYS OF THE BRIGHT SUN DANCED on the surface of the Black Lake, making it look like hundreds and thousands of gold, glittering diamonds on the water as it reflected the light of the brightly shining star. Hemmed in by hills with a broad span of Tuscany-blue sky slashed above it, Regulus firmly believed that the sight before him was nature's amphitheatre.

The visage of the lake was fire-whiskey clear and tranquil, flanked by an avenue of what he could recognise to be beech, yew, oak, pine and sycamore trees while the water itself was gilded with moonlight-pale lilies.

Flip-flopping fish caused concentric rings to puff out and disappear as the air hummed around them, caused by a phalanx of flies that were patrolling the water's edge, called into service by the heaven-filtering light.

If Alera hadn't been beside him as he enjoyed the sight, Regulus would have hailed it to be perfect.

Unlike him, she wasn't astounded by the majestic scene, rather she pulled out the wand that had been holding her hair up all along, prompting her chocolate-coloured wavy hair to tumble to her back like a waterfall.

With a simple motion, she applied water-repellent and sticking charms to all the food and jars in her basket.

Regulus' brows frowned as he saw her actions. "Why did you do that?"

"So none of it would become soaked or float in the water of the lake," Alera answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, a pretty smile blessing her face.

Regulus' eyebrows immediately rose. "And why," he started slowly, in a manner that one would speak to a child with, "would the contents get soaked or began to float in the water?"

Mirroring the tone he had just used, Alera responded to his question. "Because that's what happens while swimming," she paused. "Also, do not forget to put on a body-heating charm, trust me, you do not want to get into the water without it."

Regulus' mouth dropped by an inch, unable to comprehend her stupidity and coming to a conclusion that she must be joking. There was no way she would be foolish enough to want to swim in the perilous, cold waters of the Black Lake. But..., this was Alera Abbott. "You're not... You're not actually thinking of swimming --of expecting me to swim-- are you?"

"Of course I am," Alera responded, smiling brightly. "How else are we going to get to the island?"

"What island?"

"The one I mentioned earlier when we were with Leia and the other unicorns, remember?"

"The one you read about in a book that you still haven't disclosed the title of?"

Accidentally on Purpose ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now