Chapter 8 | yellow & green

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8th September, 1979 ~ Saturday


-----------------> REGULUS ELEGANTLY AMBLED INTO THE DUNGEONS, navigating his way into the Slytherin Common Room. Despite the coldness that cocooned the Common Room, he gave a small, close-lipped smile as a hint of warmth seeped in. The velvet, deep green accented silver curtains and rich wallpaper felt more familiar to him than any other place he had been to.

He passed students on sofas and armchairs, giving them brief nods of acknowledgement. Tired from the long day and his adventures in the Forbidden Forest with his mortal nemesis, all he wanted was to sleep. Popping himself and his beloved Quidditch broom onto one of the sofas in a secluded, shadow-shrouded corner of the Common Room, he allowed himself a moment to close his eyes.

"There you are, I've been wondering where you disappeared off to." Iola's trademark wedges clicked against the polished floors of their Common Room, alerting him to her presence, and making him jump back to his feet.

Regulus swivelled towards the sound of her voice. A faint smile was painted on his face upon seeing her for the first time that day. Donning a green jumper over her silver high-waist dress, Iola predominantly represented her Slytherin pride through her clothes. The occasions where she wore other colours were as rare as Alera not attempting to murder him. Even the wayfarer glasses Iola wore to read contained green frames, while her hair cascaded in green braids woven with silver beads.

Currently, her winged, dark eyes raked up and down Regulus' attire, and Iola's perfectly groomed brows furrowed as her gaze lingered on the faint dirt stains that marred his clothes. "Were you taking a stroll in the Forbidden Forest?"

Yes. "I was doing this thing called physical activity outside, Iola. Trials are coming up, after all," Regulus responded with a roll of his eyes.

Iola scoffed. "You seem to be implying that I don't know what physical activity is."

"Do you?"

"Yes, I also happen to engage in it many a time."

"Fighting with your brother during the holidays doesn't count."

"Then you clearly haven't seen me fight with my brother."

"We have," Walden replied, striding into the room and throwing an arm around Iola's shoulders. "We just root for your brother to win."

"Shame he never does."

"Oh, he will," Walden declared confidently. "One day, he will."

"On February 30th, perhaps?"

"In the near future," Walden promised, grinningly. He pushed out the dark hair in his eyes with a flick of his head and looked awfully confident for someone wearing a bright yellow-purple chevron shirt, which was an offence to fashion.

Accidentally on Purpose ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now