Prologue: An Inspirational Lesson

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(Y/n pov)

Teacher: Congrats, Y/n! Another test with a perfect score!

My teacher said as she gave me my test... To be honest, I'm not studying for these tests yet I still get good grades...

Y/n: Thanks...

Teacher: Himari, You got a low score. This is not like you at all. You get grades good enough but this time you failed.

Himari: But, I studied...

Teacher: Well, study harder. I'm not angry, but I'm just worried.

~After classes~

Y/n: God, I'm hungry... Guess I'll go to Hazawa-

Teacher: Y/n!

I looked back as I saw my teacher.

Y/n: Why?

Teacher: Could you help me carry these? And also help me check papers... It won't take long and I'll give you extra credit even though you have high grades!

Well, more extra credit less points to earn...

Y/n: Deal!

~An hour of boring checking later~

I said my farewells to my teacher as I rushed to the cafe...

Y/n: Please be open!

I arrived at the cafe and went inside as I saw my classmates, Tsugumi and Himari.

Y/n: Is it still open?

Tsugumi: We're about to close but you can be the last customer, Y/n.

I then took my order and went to my seat.

Himari: Tsugu!!!

Tsugumi: What?!

Himari: It's about Ran again...

She said more and more as I got my order...

... she still kept talking about Ran, other problems and her failed test earlier.

I finished eating and she's still ranting.

I walked up to her and talked to her.

Y/n: I can't help you with your other problems but I can help you with your studies.

Himari: How? You know, Y/n... How do you even have good grades when you openly admit you don't study?

Y/n: I have one question for you.

Himari: What is it?

Y/n: Did you do your best?

Himari: Yeah, I did.

Y/n: Then why are you worrying about it? You gave your all and that's the thing important. Accepting failure is the first step to success! Well, look at the time. I should be going home now. Bye Tsugumi! Bye Himari!

I said as I went out the door...

~Meanwhile at the cafe~

(Himari pov)

After what Y/n said... I was left speechless.

Tsugumi: Y/n sure is one of a kind.

Himari: Tell me about it... Y/n can answer his test in under 5 minutes and would still have good grades.

Tsugumi: How does he do it?

Himari: Next test, I'll score high for Y/n!

Tsugumi: Himari-chan, are you interested at Y/n?

I formed a small blush as she came to that remark.

Himari: No! It's just what he said inspired me...

I'm gonna make you proud of me, Y/n!

[Himari's the next girl!]

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