Chapter 6: Part Of The Family

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Chapter 6

(Y/n pov)

Teacher: Ok, Y/n! You're gonna join the spelling contest for our school!

Great... I hate being in contests, I never lose these things. Well, I guess another medal to bring back home.

Y/n: Ok...

Teacher: Could you be more enthusiastic?

Y/n: Yay!

I said sarcastically...

Teacher: Oh, how's your tutoring with Himari? Whatever it is, you're good at it. Himari has been getting high scores!

Suddenly Moca spoke up...

Moca: Nee, teacher... You never heard the news?

Teacher: What news?

Moca: Himari and Y/n are in a relationship!

Himari and Y/n: Moca!

Teacher: Oh, wow! I ship!

Our teacher said with hearts on her eyes... Did she plan this right from the start? That I tutor her? She's one smart teacher, I might say if that's the case.

~After classes~

Himari: There's no classes tomorrow! Can we have a sleepover, Y/n?

Y/n: With the girls?

Himari: No, just us~!

Y/n: Sure!

Himari: I'll go to my house first and get my stuff.

Y/n: And I'll remind my parents...

~A few minutes later~

Y/n: Mom, Himari's sleeping here tonight!

Mom: Oh, Are you gonna do something?

Y/n: No, just hanging out.

Dad: Yeah, just "hanging out." Ok, big man. I know what you're up to.

Y/n: I'm serious!

Mom: Didn't I tell you to stop with that "big man" name?

Dad: I'll stop...

~An hour later~

Himari arrived.

Mom: Hello, Himari-chan!

Dad: Good afternoon, Himari.

Himari: Hello, mom and dad!

Dad: She said it, she actually said it! Honey, give me the tissues!

Dad said, overreacting just because Himari called her "dad."

Himari: Hello, love.

Y/n: We still have a tutor session, you know?

Himari: Then let's start!

We then went upstairs and started the study session.

~An hour later~

Mom: Dinner is ready!

My mom told us as we went down and ate dinner.


Himari: Y/n has a contest next week and would represent our school!

Mom: Why won't you prepare and study for it, Y/n.

Y/n: Nah, I don't need to.

Dad: That's my big-

I then saw mom gave dad a scary glare...

Dad: Yeah, I think you need to study for it, son.

Y/n: Yeah, right... If it wasn't for mom's death stare, you wouldn't have said that.

Dad: What?! You know, Y/n, I want the best for you and I think the best for you is to study... Big man.


Mom then threw a wooden spoon at my dad that hit him in the head as we all laughed of what happened.

~Some time later~

Mom and dad: Well, we'll be sleeping now. Don't stay up too late.

Himari: We won't!

Mom and dad: Goodnight...

They said as they went upstairs.

Himari: Ok, we'll watch that romance movie now!

~2 hours later~

Himari's crying so much because of that ending... Damn, why did the protagonist die...

I hugged Himari and comforted her.

Himari: Y/n, I love you and I don't want to lose you!

She hugged me back with force that made me lie down the couch with her on top of me.

Y/n: I love you too.

Himari: Let's just sleep here. Goodnight, Y/n...

She said while she dozed off to sleep still on top of me...

Y/n: Goodnight, Himari.

I said as I brushed her hair until I fell asleep.

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