Chapter 2: Learning Relations

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(Himari pov)

Today, Y/n is tutoring me at the cafe and while we're in the middle of the tutoring session...

Hina: Y/n-kun!!!

Hina-senpai came in and rushed and hugged Y/n... Not gonna lie, I feel jealous. How can Hina-senpai hug Y/n so casually?

Y/n: Hina-nee, can you please let go now? I'm teaching Himari here.

Himari: Hina-nee?

Y/n: Oh, Hina-nee is a childhood friend of mine same with Sayo-nee.

Hina: Yeah! Y/n-kun we haven't been hanging out lately...

Y/n: Is that so?

Hina: How about we get some fries with onee-chan if we're all free.

Y/n: Sure, I'd love to.

So that's how you get a date with Y/n...

Hina: Well, I gotta go now. Bye Y/n and Himari!

Hina-senpai said as she walked out of the cafe.

Y/n: She sure is energetic not like Sayo-nee who is the complete opposite... But that was not the case back then... Well, shall we continue?

Himari: Sure!

~Few minutes later~

Ako: Y/n-senpai!

Ako shouted as she and Rinko-san walked over to me and Y/n.

Y/n: Hello, Ako-chan and Rinko-senpai.

Ako: Nee, Y/n-senpai you're not playing that much NFO like you used to right, Rin-rin?!

Rinko: Yeah, Ako-chan is right.

Y/n: Yeah, it's because I've been hanging out with Himari lately...

Ako: Is it like a date?

Himari: Wh- what?! No, he's just my tutor and we invite him to band practice.

Ako: Oh...

Y/n: Well, how about I play with you both at the weekend?

Ako: That sounds nice right, Rin-rin?!

Rinko: It does...

Ako: We'll be going now... Bye Y/n-senpai and Hii-chan!

Rinko: Goodbye too, Y/n and Himari-chan.

They then left the cafe...

Himari: You sure know a lot of them.

Y/n: Yeah...

Himari: Are you close to some of the other bands too?

Y/n: Yeah, My family and Saaya's family know each other. Hagumi and Kasumi are also my childhood friends. I also know Kaoru-senpai and Chisato-senpai because of our parents.

Himari: You sure know a lot of them since childhood.

Y/n: Yeah, it's pretty nice that I still get to talk to them.

Himari: You're telling that to me when my band is us childhood friends!

Y/n: Oh, yeah! I guess you do know the feeling.

There was still one thing bugging my mind.

Himari: Did you ever have a crush on one of them?

Y/n: Wh- what?! I never had a crush before, actually... But if I were to pick who of them is the most attractive, It would be Chisato-senpai but she gets so scary sometimes... I'm creeped out everytime I see her death stare.

Himari: Oh...

Y/n: Is there a problem?

When Y/n said that, I really got jealous like most of my friends from other bands were friends with him since childhood...

Himari: No.

Y/n: Should we call it a day?

Himari: Sure, you might be tired already. I'll stay here, me and Tsugumi will still talk later.

Y/n: Well, then goodbye!

Y/n said as he walked away...

Himari: Tsugu!!!

Tsugumi: What, Himari-chan?

Himari: I didn't know that Y/n knew a lot from the other bands...

Tsugumi: Yeah, me too..

(3rd person pov)

~At dinner~

Y/n asked an unexpected question.

Y/n: Mom, what does it take to say that you have a crush on someone?

Mom: Huh? Well, if you feel nervous when you're near her, when your heart beats fast when she's around, when you think about her and when you feel good being around her.

Dad: Oh, why are you asking this? Do you have a crush on someone?

Y/n: Yeah, I think I have a crush on Himari...

Y/n said so nonchalantly and openly as this is his first time developing feelings for someone.

Mom: Himari-chan? You got nice taste.

Dad: Yeah, when she goes here when you tutor her here, she seems very nice.

Y/n: So how do I play this game called "love?"

Mom: Well, you learn it yourself.

Dad: Love is expressed differently by all people, Y/n.

Y/n: Ok, I guess... I'll look it up on the net.

I Fell In Love, So I Tried To Learn It - (Himari Uehara × Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now