Chapter 10: I Fell In Love And I Proved It

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(Y/n pov)

A year later, I again competed on the spelling contest I joined a year ago... Trying to redeem myself from that devastating defeat last year.

MC: Spell "cre​pus​cule"


variants: or cre​pus​cle

Collegiate Definition

dusk, eve, evenfall, evening, eventide, gloaming, night, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight

aurora, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylight, morn, morning, sunrise, sunup

Oh, how cute... Who knew that my winning word has a connection with the afternoon and of course if there's an afternoon... There's an afterglow.

Y/n: Easy...


MC: And that is... Correct! The winner for this year's spelling bee is Y/n L/n from Haneoka High School!


Y/n: I won!

I said to Himari as she hugged me tightly.

Himari: I knew you could do it!

Moca: Hello~

Moca said as she and the rest of Afterglow went to us.

Himari: Look guys! Y/n won!

Ran: Congrats!

Tomoe: Nice job!

Tsugumi: Congratulations, Y/n!

Moca: Because of that... You're gonna treat us bread, right?

Y/n: I don't see why not...

We then went to the Yamabuki bakery snd bought many bread... So much for my wallet...

~At home~

Me and Himari went to my house as of course to say the news that I won the contest.

Y/n: Mom! Dad! I won!!!

Mom: We're so proud of you, Y/n!

Dad: You did well this time, big man!

Me and Himari went up to my room as we spent our time there alone...

We lied down the bed and hugged each other...

Himari: I'm glad history didn't repeat...

Y/n: Even if I lost the contest... I won't go crying and shouting at people... You, Sayo-nee, Chisato-senpai and the others... You all taught me to not be a sore loser when I lose.

Himari: That's what I like to hear.

Y/n: Can I take a nap? I'm tired...

Himari: Sure, you could sleep on my lap if you want to...

Y/n: What?!

Himari then postioned herself so that I could lie my head on her lap... I then went to it and it felt nice.

Himari: Sweet dreams, Y/n...


(Himari pov)

Y/n was sleeping peacefully as...

Dad: Hey big man! Want to play-

Himari: Shh... He's sleeping, dad.

Dad: Oh, I'll check on you both later...

After dad left I took out my cellphone and took a picture of me and Y/n and posted it on social media...

Himari: He's so cute when he sleeps! <3 *insert photo*

Then my other friends liked and commented.

Hina: Wow! That looks so boppin'!

Aya: You two look so cute!

Kasumi: I wish Arisa would let me sleep on her lap...

Arisa: Kasumi, no. By the way, nice picture.

Kaoru: How fleeting!

I love you, Y/n.


(Dad pov)

She's a keeper!

Dad: Honey, can I also sleep on your lap?

Mom: What? What do you mean by also?

Dad: Himari-chan lets Y/n sleep on her lap. Why can't you?

Mom: Dream on, big man. You ain't gonna get it.


I Fell In Love, So I Tried To Learn It - (Himari Uehara × Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now