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A/N This is from Lynns pov but there probably won't be many chapters like that,most are from Edward pov so enjoy it while it lasts people! Also if anyone does read this, thank you sooo much! And go check out my other Twilight fan fics! Now let's begin...
"Its the creepy red eyes for me." The first words I ever said to James. The last proper words I said too, before he changed me. I can't remember much about the next 3 days, only the pain. He had later told me what I had become I smiled slightly as I remembered..
"Umm.." I looked to the strange man with a frown on my face. What the fuck was that? He looked at me and smirked. "You have become a vampire. I couldn't help it I burst out laughing. He looked at me confused. "I'm sorry...what?" I said between fits of laughter. He rolled his eyes, "you are a vampire! Feel that burn at the back of your throat? That's your body needing blood."
"My body always needs blood or I would die." He rolled his eyes. "This is going to be a long day."

From there he had told me everything, it took me a while but eventually I believed him. Turns out he had turned me because he thought I would have gifts, turns out he was wrong. And so here I was, almost a month later running at an impressive speed towards the sound of some vampires playing baseball. Honestly the running was the one upside to becoming a vampire, when I said I wanted to die I did NOT mean this. Now I was immortal, greeaatt. I mean at least I get to outlive Donald Trump. I grined at that. "Caitlin, speed up we are almost there." Came Victoria's voice. Honestly I didn't like her much, but at first glance she was beautiful, all vampires were. Even me to my great suprise. In my human years I absolutely hated my body, but now its hard not to like, I have strawberry blond hair that shines in the sun and a hourglass figure, the bright red eyes I could do without. The transformation hadn't changed my height much, I wasn't the tallest person... I didn't know what my exact height was though, or care if I was being honest.

We stopped just outside a clearing. "Laurent as usual you will pretend to be leader." James told Laurent. James I didn't like, Laurent was probably the only one I could deal with. Though I still would prefer not to. The ably reason I stay is cause its easier and I'm god damn lazy sooo...."Alright let's go in." Victoria says and we do.

Edward pov
Everyone rushes over to me and Bella when the four vampires enter the field. "Bella I'm so sorry." I said as I looked to her. She looked panicked and confused. I had to look away as I shielded her from sight.

We stood as Carlisle introduced us in groups as to not being attention to us. As the mentioned Rosalie I heard someone think damn it was from the blond haired girl, who seemed to be a newborn from her mind but I couldn't tell as it was mostly filled the other things like this strange song, interia crocodile alligator.... As we turned away a gust of wind blew causing Bella's scent  to travel directly towards the other vampires. "You brought a snack." I heard James say as he walked towards us I jumped protectively in front of Bella and my family did the same. I was focused on the others thoughts in case they were to attack.
Such a delicious scent - Victoria

A challenge I see - James

They are protecting her? - Laurent

And the only one not in a attack position the newborn

Its the hissing like snakes for me..

I frowned as I realized we were in fact doing that. Also, what?

"The girl is with us." Carlisle explained.
Normally I would enjoy the hunt but I don't know if I could wait.. - James.
An involuntary snarl escaped my lips.

They must be together, he clearly loves her! James I swear down don't attack bitch or you and I will have problems. - Lynn

I almost laughed, I would've if it wasn't for the serious situation.
"But she is human!" Laurent said. He sounded more surprised than anything.
Whilst my attention was else where James took a step forward but from listening to his mind I looked back at him and growled. He froze and locked eyes with me. "James." I heard the newborn say. My family's head turned in her direction. "James." He ignored her again and Laurent gave her what seemed to be a warning look. She tried again finally losing her patients. "James!!" He turned to look at her, "what child!" She looked at him unimpressed, "Your in a attack position, we are not attacking. Are we?" As she asked that last part another growl escaped my lips, she raised her hands and took a step back.
Definitely lovers - Victoria.
"Have you smelt her? You are a newborn surly you must see where my James is coming from Caitlin!" Victoria said. As the word newborn was said my family got back in defence positions. As she saw us I could've sworn I saw hurt flash in Caitlin's eyes, but it was gone before I could be sure. "No I haven't, judging by your reactions that wouldn't be to good for... Bella was it?" We ignored the question. The same thought was running through our mind, newborn= dangerous. Apart from Jasper's she doesn't have any intention to attack Edward! Calm down just check her mind!

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