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Edward pov
Me and Bella met my family at the school, Lynn was currently getting her time table. She had been a while and I was starting to think she had gotten lost. Just as Alice was about to go look for her she walked out of the building towards us. "What took you so long?" Rosalie asked. Lynn looked up from her time table, "Got lost and then got in a argument." I raised an eyebrow.
"With who?" Bella asked. Lynn smiled,
"Some lovely boy named Mike." I started chuckling as Bella gave the newborn a knowing look. "I still think this is a bad idea, what if I can't control myself?" We had already discussed this, and Alice had assured her that she would not but Lynn would not stop worrying. Rosalie walked over to her and patted her back, "Don't worry Alice already saw you won't besides we are right here. Also you have first class with Alice so she will see if anything is about to happen." I was slightly shocked, it seemed Lynn was growing on Rosalie too. "Fine, but these contacts still itch." Lynn answered making her way to class, Alice on her heels.

Rosalie pov
I walked to Class with Emmett, thinking or ,if I was being honest, worrying about Lynn. I usually would only be worried about her exposing us causing us to have to move but I realized I actually cared for the newborn. She was shy, small and kind enough, all things that set of my protective instincts. Sure she was annoying but still, maybe I can love her like a sister.

Edward pov
I walked to class, I was in the room next to Alice and Lynn so I could hear their thoughts. I would know if anything was about to happen. I sat at the back with Bella as usual. We were watching a biography at the moment and Alice and Lynn's class were completing a work sheet. So far so good, Lynn was not about to loose control.
Alice- This is really easy. Okay check futureee. We good.

Lynn- Come on shake your body baby do that conga, know you cant control yourself any longerrrr.

I had long since decided to not try and decipher that girls thoughts. I focused back on Bella. "Is everything going ok?" I nodded, "Alice is checking the future and everything is going to be fine."
Bella nodded, we continued the biography holding hands the whole time.

Lynn pov
I was trying to figure out the answer to this question. Damn I can not do Maths... I am okay at the simple stuff but this....no thanks. I took a peek at Alice's sheet but she was covering it obviously hading known I would look. Stupid pixie. I whispered as much and she just laughed. "Its B." I thanked her and carried on. I got to the last few questions and was seriously struggling, I raised my hand to ask but the teacher stood up. "Time to go through the answers!" Everyone else seemed to of finished. Crap maybe I could just add in the answers. "Now give your sheet to the person next to you." Nooooooo. Alice went through and marked my sheet obviously seeing the answers before the teacher even said them. Alice got 100% no suprise there. Alice handed me my sheet and I almost laughed at my score, I had 43% not even half! Maybe I will get better next time I thought as we walked out of the class. "Not unless you study." Edward said, answering my thoughts as him and Bella walked towards us. "We have next class together, just us." Bella said. Edward was clearly anxious to let me go alone with Bella, but Alice told him it would be fine and he trusted his sister so me and Bella walked of to our class without Edward protesting.

Edward pov
We got to lunch without any further problems and me and Bella sat with the rest of our family. Rose sat to the right of Lynn giving anyone who looked in the newborns direction a glare. She had grown extremely protective of Lynn, and I was happy, at least Rose wouldn't be so cold to her now.

A/n I hate to be this person but please check out my other Twilight fan fic, Bella Volturi- the Ravens. Thanks for reading and I lovveee youuuu

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