Chapter 1: A new day and soon, a new life.

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(No POV)

As the sun was rising up to start the day, the sunlight shined Y/N's eyes and after a few seconds of having a bright wake-up call, he woke up from his 'bed' and exited his cardboard box house to  start his day. He had to pee so he went behind some metal box to hide from passing cars and went to do his business. After that, he grabbed one of his water bottles and sprayed water on his face to wash off the gunk and dirt from his face and whatever water was left, he drank it. Next up, he checked his backpack to see whatever supplies he had left and it wasn't looking good as he only had three breakfast bars left, a quarter half of water left, his blanket was only wearing out by the day and he had about $20 left in his pocket as he had spent it on more water bottles and fast food for the last two days. Throughout his traveling, he quickly realized that money can run out quickly and so he learned how to spend the money wisely but even then, he feared on what he would have to do next when the money runs out completely. When he got done checking, he was sitting down for a bit and was thinking about where to go next and soon he made up his mind started to pack up and be on his way. 

(Y/N POV) 

Y/N's mind- Shoot, i'm almost out of water and I don't know which direction to go next. Well, I know that I cant stay here because I thought I saw a cop car around here and I don't want him to catch me and send me back to those 'nieces' of mine just to beat me again. 

Y/N- *shiver* *sigh*

After thinking hard about this, I decided that It was time to go again and as much I dreaded the walk ahead its better then being back with 'them' again. I packed up my backpack, and one last time I took a look of my 'home'. 

Even though it was a smelly and dirty home, I couldn't help but feel a little sad for leaving because it brought me protection against the cold breeze and it was a good hiding place from the cops

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Even though it was a smelly and dirty home, I couldn't help but feel a little sad for leaving because it brought me protection against the cold breeze and it was a good hiding place from the cops. After I looked at it for a full minute, I put my backpack behind me and started to following the sidewalks to the north.

Y/N-goodbye, cardboard home. Thank you for being there for me where even my own 'family' wasn't. 

As I walked on the sidewalk, I quickly realized what I just did and I couldn't tell if I was crazy or it was something else. 

Y/N mind- Did I really say goodbye to a bunch of cardboard? Whoa, I don't know if I'm starting to lose my mind or i'm really so desperate for love and protection that I just said bye to non-living objects that was a home that I made out of. *sigh*, well I might as well because I have nobody to call family.

As I stopped by the first traffic lights, while waiting for the sign to go green, I looked over right next to me and saw an electronic signage and pushed on the map icon and wondered where I can find on this path. 


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