Chapter 5: The tour of your home and spending time with mother.

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(No POV)

As the sun was setting up a new day, Y/N woke up feeling refreshed and forgot that he was in a nice bed in a nice house...warm, cozy and safe not having to fear the cops, or the cold wind blowing towards him making him shiver or even listening to all of the cars honks and zooming by making sleeping much harder. Well, he was glad that he didn't have to suffer though all that today, he got off the bed and went to the bathroom to take care of business and brush his teeth. He smelt his own breath and woo boy they needed a cleanup thats for sure, he grabbed a toothbrush that looked like it was for a small child and the toothpaste was a kids one too.....weird he thought but shrugged it off and went to brushing. After that, he was heading to the kitchen to see what's for breakfast, along the way he heard music playing in the kitchens direction and soft humming.


I was heading to the kitchen hearing sizzling of bacon and eggs I assume. I couldn't wait to eat, when I got to the kitchen, I saw Valentina in the kitchen cooking and humming some kind of soft tune. She turned around with a smile on her face.

Valentina- Good morning sweetheart~  Did you had a nice sleep last night~?

Y/N- Good morning Valentina and yeah I-i did.

Valentina- Well, thats good~ Now I'm sure your hungry but first come wash your hands and breakfast will be served.

I walked to the sink and washed my hands then I asked her a question. 

Y/N- Uhh.. where is Addison, Nicolette and Sophia?

Valentina- Addison and Nicolette are at work today and Sophia is doing her college classes.

Y/N- oh right, I just wish they were here, I kinda wanted to explore your house with them. 

Valentina mind- How sweet of you Y/N!~ I'm glad that your already showing us acceptance and love for us, a family.~

Valentina- Well, since their gone and I'm here today, I think I should show you around since I'm the head of the household here.

Y/N- you are?

Valentina- Yes, now lets enjoy breakfast together and we'll be ready for the fun tour.~

I got to the table and not long after Valentina served me a plate of some really yummy food.

I got to the table and not long after Valentina served me a plate of some really yummy food

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Valentina- Enjoy Y/N~

Y/N- Thank you for breakfast.

I started to eat the food and it was some of the most yummiest food I ever ate. While I ate though, Valentina was eating her food but she was looking at me while she did while having a big smile on her face and her eyes were filled with hidden joy for some reason. But I carried on with eating.

(Valentina POV)

Valentina mind- *Giggle* Y/N is just so cute, he is eating my cooking with absolute joy, There's plenty more where that came from Y/N, after all... your home.~

Our little darling~Yandere motherly succubus x abused child reader. DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now