Chapter 8: Going to the mall with the family.

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Before I go into the chapter, I must give some corrections. Y/N's abusers are suppose to be his aunt and uncle not his nieces. Sorry that I haven't caught that error sooner and I wanted to say this before ya'll get confused about the plot. Sorry about that.

Now, on to the chapter folks....

(Valentina POV)

I woke up from my sleep and was already ready to start the first day with our new darling Y/N. I had a plan today to go out to the shopping outlet where we'll shop for Y/N and his new room. Toys, favorite bedding materials, games of his choosing and whatever else he wanted. So there was no time to waste, I went to each of the girls rooms to wake them up and tell them my plan for today.

Valentina- Good morning Addison dear~.

Addison- *Yawning* why, good morning mother.

Valentina- Listen, I have a special day planned today for us, meet me downstairs ok?~

Addison- Yes mother~.

I closed her door behind me and went to do the others room. Nicolette woke up already excited to get started and Sophia bounced from her bed the minute I mentioned the plan and got dressed in excitement for today, she took no more than two minutes to do that but if she's happy already than its good enough for me. Once that was done, I went downstairs to wait for them and tell them all about it.

(Timeskip, 10 minutes later)

They showed up and was time to get things in motion.

Valentina- Well girls I have a very special plan for us and our darling Y/N todayyyyyy~.

Addison/Nicolette- What's the plan Mother/Mom~.

Sophia- Yes mom, when are we getting his room started and when can we find the bastards that dared to hurt our darling and my little bro?

Valentina- Now now Sophia, as much as I want to torture the two brutes and put them to death, Y/N always goes first no matter what and we are showing him that not only he is a part of our family now but also to non-verbally tell him that he is ours and ours alone~.

Addison- Yes mother, Y/N will always be first and foremost. And Sophia don't worry honey, those abusers are not going to live any while longer once we find them, they are going to get the punishment of their lives and will end for them in a very slow and painful conclusion.

Nicolette- I'm already ready to teach those abusive humans a lesson. Oh, the screams they will make and the begging which they speak from their pitiful mouths but it will be blissful to us knowing that they won't be getting any type of mercy from us~.

Valentina- That's right Nicolette. With that out of the way, we will be going to the shopping outlet in town with Y/N today, so I want everyone to be get showered and dressed right after breakfast understood my children?

Addison- Yes mother, I can't hardly wait.

Nicolette- Me too, I cant wait to see the desks, boards and stuff like that to get the "classroom " ready?

Sophia- Heck yeah!! I cant wait to go to Best Buy and see if there is any new gaming out!!

Valentina- *chuckle* then its settled. I'll make breakfast now and Addison I want you to wake up Y/N in 35 minutes ok?

Addison- Understood mother~.

Valentina- Then let's get this started girls.

They went to do their now things for a little while and I went to the kitchen to start cooking a very special breakfast for us and especially Y/N. 

Our little darling~Yandere motherly succubus x abused child reader. DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now