Chapter 4: Waking up and meeting your new family.

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(No POV)

It was still around nighttime but much activity was happening at once. The succubus family was in the middle of cooking dinner for Y/N for when he wakes up and was debating on if they should reveal their true forms to him yet. 

Valentina- Now girls, we have a very important decision to make and that is should we reveal to Y/N that we are succubus?

Addison- I think we should, because if he is going to love us then the truth is what we need to build a trust bond between us and him.

Sophia- But what happens if he gets scared of us and decides to run away from us. That thought alone makes my heart hurt. Maybe we should hide it from him.

Nicolette- Think about this, if he were to find out anyway, what are the chances he would run away from our loving home and arms? By then, he would love us so much that he wouldn't care that we are succubus. 

Sophia- Well......your kinda right, but I still have my doubts.

Nicolette- Now believe me Sophia, even I don't know the future maybe he will run away if he were to find out. If that happens well....we would find him again and try again but this time with more care and love than ever before. 

Valentina- I agree with Nicolette in this one.

Addison- So do I.

Sophia- Well.....Ok

Addison- Sophia, I can feel that you still have doubts about this, so for this I came up with an idea.

Sophia- Really?

Nicolette- What is it?

Valentina- Yes Addison, please tell us about this idea.

Addison- Ok, when Y/N wakes up, how about we eat dinner and introduce ourselves in our human forms. That way, he will be comfortable around us and start to trust us bit by bit and once he knows more about us and feels safe here, we show him our other forms and hopefully by then he won't run from us. If he doesn't run then we continue to show him our love and care and will come to accept us. 

Sophia- But what happens if the opposite happens?

Addison- Well....then we would have to proceed with plan B.

Nicolette- What's plan B?

Addison- I'll tell you guys about that later, but let's just say that with plan B, he won't be able to run from us or escape ever again.  

Addison talked her idea some more and when she was done, it took the rest a few seconds to think over this and give a response. 

Sophia- Well, Ok Addison you convinced me, I'm in.

Nicolette- Me too.

Valentina- I agree with your idea Addison one hundred percent.

Addison- *giggle* then its settled then.

The succubus agreed to the idea and just when they were about to say anything else..


Valentina- well, would you look at that, dinner is practically ready. Alright girls, I want you all to freshen up and Sophia I want you to check up on Y/N to see if he woke up yet and if he does I want you to comfort and reassure him and bring him to the dining room.

Sophia- Right!

Addison and Nicolette- Understood!

Valentina- Then let us get to it. 

The succubus went on about their business, and Y/N was slowly waking up.

(Valentina POV)

Our little darling~Yandere motherly succubus x abused child reader. DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now