Kewmit × Bwue

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T'was a beautifuw day in AAAAA, da biwds wewe sinning and da fwowews wewe buwning in da heat of da sun. In showt, it was a typicaw Thuwsday. Kewmit was fwowicking thwough da smaww fiewd of taww gwass in such a way, uu couwd haz swown he was having a stwoke, when aww of a sudden, a stwange wed and white baww was huwwed in his genewaw diwection.
"Hy dee hum- AAH" he excwaimed as he got hit in da face with da unidentified fwying baww-awso knuwn as a UFB-and then stawted to haz a panicked, on da fwy, viowent seizuwe. A wandom boy wan up to him.
"Damn, I thought uu wewe a pokémon. Now I haz to swaughtew uu with a weedwe! >:<" Said da boy, his fuckboi haiw gwistening in da wight of a howy, gwowing twee that's just kind of thewe, fow some weason.
He's so...bootifuk..! Thought Kewmit, utiwizing a swang wowd that pwobabwy exists maybe, that means somebody who is so beautifuw that uu wish to fuck them to da point of death, ow whatevew uu kids do nuwadays. Kewmit knew...he had to do da thing with da pewson who appwoached him fwom somewhewe.
"HEWO AM KEWMIT CAN I HAVE AN AFFAIW WITH YOU BECAUSE I HATE MY WIFE ANYWAYS?" Kewmit scweeched howniwy, doing his mating dance, da stwippew vewsion of da Macawena.
Da boy wooked at Kewmit. "Suwe, why nut? My Wattata hazn't been feewing up to it watewy, anyways."
Befowe Kewmit had da chance to cewebwate being abwe to cheat on Miss Piggy, a bitch in a wed outfit jumped out of da bushes.
"BUT BWUE, I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPEC- Oh, wait, I'm supposed to be da siwent pwotagonist, fucc" he said, befowe wunning into a coupwe of twees and a waww, then finawwy into a wandom buiwding.
Kewmit and Bwue then wooked each othew in da eyes, and pwoceeded to immediatewy haz kinky, hawdcowe sex. They then went on to haz appwoximatewy 30 miwwion kids togethew, aww of which they named Biwwy.

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