Chapter XXV

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Draco POV

Mia was gone. Wasn't in the house, cloak gone. Floo powder on the fireplace. I couldn't believe it, she left the house without telling me. Especially after the dream about Owen Blake. I looked up in her books in the library. Dark Phoenixes were able to see potential images or scenes of what could happen. I'm convinced that is what was happening to Mia. It's been ages, I don't even know when she left, she wasn't back yet. My mark burning, almost unbearable, but all my concern was focused on Mia's whereabouts. Rummaging through my drawers looking for a pair of socks, then grabbing shoes. Running down stairs, wand in hand storming towards the door slamming it behind me. A storm was on the way I could feel it. Closed my eyes thinking of Mia and apparated to her directly. Really hoping she wasn't in any kind of trouble.

I appeared outside a dark, abandoned house. Burned, probably from a fire, I pushed open the door, pushing glass and pieces of wood across the floor. It was empty, black scorch marks on the wall heading up stairs. Cautiously deciding to follow it, my wand gripped so tightly at my side, my knuckles turning white. Trying to not fall over the worn out rug at the top of the stairs, I turn to see a door closed a light clearly being produced as it sneaks under the door. Swinging the door open to nothing being there, not even a light source. Forceful footsteps on the floor downstairs, I discreetly move down the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible. I could hear slight noise, probably a quiet chant, coming from downstairs. I turn seeing nobody there. The chanting getting slightly louder. I could hear it, some unknown chant I haven't heard before, probably dark stuff. Walking towards the voice, getting louder, screams also heard, then disappearing. A tall steel door with a hatch, someone or something clearly being kept here. Closing in towards the handle of the door, reaching for it. Burning my hand. It was locked as well. I opened the hatch to see Mia, chained, bloody and bruised. Her shirt ripped, cloak on the floor, no socks or shoes on her feet.

I asked hoping she'd hear me.

She opened her eyes just enough to see who it was. She could barely hold her own weight.

She whimpered. Her voice dry and quiet.

"Be- behind you." She said trying to lifting her chained arm.

Turning to see nothing but the blackness of the burns.

"Alohomora." I said quietly in case anyone was here.

The door didn't open.

"Princess, I need you to move behind the bed. Try and shield yourself."

She struggled to move, she could barely move. But she moved across behind the bed slumping her back against the wall, sitting behind the bed.

"Bombarda Maxima."
I shouted.

The door flew back into the room, debris thickening the air. I walk towards her, the room filled with overwhelming amount of heat in it, I tried grabbing the chains which a blinding hot.

I said the chains shattering into little pieces. Grabbing Mia, her legs unable to hold her up. The chains on her hands gone. Her hands black, covered in ash.

"What happened?"
I asked as I pulled her close to me.

"I can't focus."
She said barely being able to think.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go, you can tell me after."
I said helping her to her feet giving her support.

I grabbed her shoes throwing them on her feet and her dirty cloak to cover her ripped shirt. We walked through the broken glass scattered across the floor. Walking her out of the charred building.

"Stop. Let me go. Move back quick."
She said.

"What? No you can barely hold yourself up."
I said, still holding her.

She pulled her arm away from me and pushed me to the grass. The power in her strength was something I haven't seen before. She screamed out in pain. Her arms wide, fire expanding over the mass amount of crops in the field. What was happening?

I shouted, fearful for her own life.

"Don't move!"
She ordered. Waving her hand stopping me from moving.

What was happening, she's never been this catastrophic before. What could've caused this? Who caused this?

"Was this Owen Blake!"
I shouted at her.

Those words sending an explosion across the vast area of fields. The grass charred, the building collapsing behind us.
She fell to her knees, my body being able to move again. I grabbed her not knowing what power she currently possesses. I apparated to the old burned Malfoy Manor OWL'ing Harry and Ron to meet me there. We arrived Harry and Ron waiting at the front.

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