Chapter 14- A Battle

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The unexpected rain poured down heavily all over the city, it showed no mercy today. The strong rumble ripped the sky apart into two equal halves. The city drenched in the merciless pouring, water all over the streets. The city had never seen such a rain.

"I think I should probably leave. It's getting late and pouring down heavily." Ruby excused herself.

"Its raining heavy. Please stay for a while. It's not really safe to leave right now." Aditya spoke.

"It's okay, Aditya. I'll manage, you need not worry about me. Can you please help me with my car?" She politely asked him.

"Please lead the way." He gentlemanly said.

He slowly shut the door behind him. "Aunty, I want to thank you for everything. I just don't know what else to say. I just..."

She smiled at the young man before she said, "Aditya, you don't need to thank me. Zoya is like my daughter and I would do anything for her. Trust me." She gently squeezed his hand while he smiled back at her.

When suddenly a series of continuous loud thud attracted their attention. Aditya quickly turned back with a bemused face. He quickly reached the door followed by Ruby and tried twisting it's knob to open the door. He banged the door and shouted, "Zoya, open the door!"

"Aditya the doors are locked. Try the window and get Zoya out of here. She's come to destroy. Hurry up!" She shouted in his ears.

He quickly rushed to the windows but in vain. The windows all locked preventing him to get in the house. He punched the window trying to crack them but it seems it's all a conspiracy.

He banged hard at the door. "ZOYA! OPEN THE DOOR! FOR GOD'S SAKE!" When, something clicked his mind, without wasting anymore minute, he rushed at the back of the house.

His eyes searched for the iron rod, he left there. He picked the rod up, and then he began hiting it on the wooden door anticipating the door to crack. He heard some footsteps approaching him. "Aditya, what are you doing?" Ruby asked all drenched in water and so was he. It seemed the sky is going to rip apart.

"This is the only way I could get to Zoya. I know she is trouble." He spoke in between his task. "Damn it!"

With another few hits, a crack formed on the wooden door. A relieving smile appeared on his face.

Finally, he created some space for him to enter. Dropping the iron rod next to his feet, he put his inside, struggling to go through the small space he created. "You please stay over here. I will go upstairs." He said hurried.

"Aditya, let me come with you!" He replied her with a quick no and somehow made his way through the space. He could feel the level of the water up to his knees and he could feel it in his pants. He let out a deep groan.

He found it difficult to move in the water, as if they restricted his moves. He kicked the water forwards and struggled himself. He felt a sharp object approaching his feet and he dipped his hands in the cold water and pull out an axe, surprisingly.

He walked through the water standing on the wooden deck, panting heavily with his palms resting on his knees. He straightened himself and started hitting the wooden floor of the house with the axe with immense fury.

He has to get her out of here. He thought to himself which made goosebumps appeared on his skin. A chill danced down his spine and he started feeling cold as he was drenched. He shivered and felt sick but didn't stop. He has to win this any cost.

The floor began to crack again giving him a sense of relief as he hit again. And soon, he created a small hole enough for him to pass by.

Lifting his arms up, he passed his wrists through the hole and got a grip at its rim, he pulled himself up, getting the necessary support from the wall for his legs, he pulled himself with every amount of strength he had. 

His eyes closed tight, he finally made it up to the floor with the last pull. He panted heavily as he was now drenched with his sweat. "Zoya, I am coming. Wait up for me." He muttered to himself.

The room pitch dark, the sound of heavy rain echoed in the room. He squinted his eyes, focusing on the sight before him. His eyes felt blurry and weak. He barely could stand on his feet.

Dragging himself to the stairs, he rested himself on the railing. And, he knows where she is. He glanced up at the corner of the corridor, wiping his forehead with his pruny fingers. His heartbeat thumping hard against his chest and his breathe hitched.

He again dragged his body to the long stairs, breathing heavily at each step, his body leaned onto to the railings. This is tough than he thought it would be.

Reaching to the last few steps, he sighed out of relief. His knees felt weak as if he would faint right now. But, he shrugged away the thought. Taking a another deep breathe, he found himself standing on the corridor.

With another few long steps, he was standing at the store room. He gently the knob, his anxiety seemed no bound. He was shaking with fear.

And what his eyes saw, was unbelievable. He froze at his position, his pupils dilated in terror. 

Zoya was standing at the huge window with that book in her hand. "Zoya!" A mere whisper came out of his mouth.


Hey there! Penned down another quick chapter for you. Because, I didn't want to make you guys want for long.

Sorry for the cliffhanger at the end. I shall update the last and final chapter tomorrow, I promise. And, that's it guys this is the second-last chapter for this book and it's going to end. Missing this one, already. Will you?

See you soon, maybe this evening? I am quite unpredictable.


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