Turnabout Goodbyes: Chapter Six

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"Miles... I am glad that we made it through another day of the trial. But I overheard some of the things Mister Wright said to you... do you really think he killed someone?" She'd managed to hear the worst part of their conversation that she could have. Miles sighed, hanging his jacket on the coat rack and collapsing onto the couch. He didn't have an answer for her because in truth... he didn't know either. He wanted to believe that he didn't kill anyone, but the look on his face... he'd seemed so sure. It was all so confusing... and frankly, overwhelming.

"Yo! How's it going folks?! Really saved you in there, didn't I Edgey?! Had them swooning in their seats. Right Ema?"

"S-swooning. Oh yes, I can recall feeling a bit faint."

"Right on! And Edgey! Love at first sight, am I right or am I right?"

"I suppose you are right... I did feel my heart skip a beat or two."

"Come on you guys! What are you robots?! I deserve for you to fall down at my feet and bow before me!" Not on his life.

"You helped Larry... if only because of your strong belief in Phoenix's innocence. Thank you." Larry smikred, happy that Miles had admitted that he had helped, even if it was the smallest compliment he could pay him.

"How come you trust him so much? He's been kind of a real jerk to both of you!" Of course Ema didn't understand... she'd never understand why he did these things for him. It was because he loved him... as for Larry's reason, who knew?

"...you didn't know him back when we were kids Ema. He was different back then."

"Edgey! Edgey! Tell her about the class trial!" Miles sighed... it was a long and boring story, but as long as Larry insisted, he was going to have to tell her. He didn't know when to let things go.

"It was the spring of third grade. A kid in our class had gotten their lunch money stolen... a kid that was me." Ema gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

"Why did you bring money to school? That's just asking for trouble."

"Fair enough... but it was a small school. We paid in monthly instalments for our lunches. The envelope had disappeared with the money still inside... a whole $38.00 dollars. Phoenix had skipped PE that day because he'd been coming down with a cold, he was the only one in the room at the time. The class demanded that he be put on trial, and each and every one of them thought he was guilty. Even the teacher believed it in the end. They made him come over to me and apologize, he couldn't stop crying. I felt bad, there was no way that he'd been the one to steal it. Someone who was guilty wouldn't cry that much. Technically, Phoenix was my first client. I defended him and after that he, Larry, and I were the best of friends."

"Guess you were always meant to be a defense attorney Miles!"

"I suppose, though, back then I was just trying to uphold the ideals that my father had taught me. He transferred schools a few months after that."

"Because of DL-6..."

"Right... several years later, when I was in college, I heard his name again. Either on the television or the radio... or it might have been a in the newspaper. Anyway, the story's headline was something like 'Dark Suspicions of a Demon Prosecutor'. Forging evidence, manipulating testimonies, covering up facts... anything he could do to get a guilty verdict."

"That's awful!"

"That's when I decided that the path that I'd been following my whole life truly was the right one. If I became a defense attorney... we'd have to meet at some point whether he wanted to or not, at least in the courtroom. I'd make him see me again. I believe in him now... he's in pain and there's no one on his side. It's idealistic, but I'm the only one who can help me." Ema smiled, patting his arm gently.

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