Rise From the Ashes: Chapter Three

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 Why was he such an idiot? Why hadn't he taken the stupid case file yesterday? Why did he even take this case? he should have known better... known better to prosecute his own sister... known better than to refuse that file because it seemed irrelevant. He knew better... at least he thought he had known better. He was too blinded by the pain that came from Mia's arrest to see anything but that pain. He was a blind fool... a fool... such a stupid fool. He grabbed Miles' wrist as he walked down the courthouse stairs, stopping him from leaving.

"Miles... am I an idiot? Wait, don't answer the question... I know the answer. You've always been the smart one... I'm just a stupid old fool who doesnt' know when to give him." He sighed, resting a reassuring hand on Phoenix's shoulder.

"I assure you Phoenix Wright... you are no idiot. In fact, you're one of the smartest men I know... please don't downgrade yourself like that." Pearl nodded next to him... but all he cared about was this beautiful man right in front of him. He didn't seem to see it, but he had this way of saying exactly what he needed to hear when he needed to hear it. He gave him a weak smile -about the best that he could manage right now- and headed towards the Prosecutor's Office. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, thinking that it was time to give Maya a call and let her know what was going on.

"Omigod Nick! What is going on?! Is Mia okay?! Has she been aquitted yet?!" Maya sounded like she'd been up for days... and that was likely. She probably hadn't slept since he called her to tell her that Mia had been arrested for murder.

"She's fine for now... but the trial is still ongoing. I just thought you'd like to know the latest."

"Well, you thought right. Nick... you better lose. This is not how we're going to lose another family member... not like this and not when she's absolutely innocent."

"Agreed Maya. I'll do what I can."

"You better." As he hung up... he couldn't help but wonder what he could do. He was useless in a situation like this. A prosecutor couldn't help here. What else was there to do but pray that Miles would win this one like he always did? Phoenix hoped he would... for his sake, for Pearl's, for Maya... and most of all... for Mia herself.

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