The Marauders Afterlife: Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys sooo sorry for the extremely long wait! I hope you like this. This is a bit longer than the others, and hopefully it'll make up for the last chapter which was pretty short. Anyways, i hope you enjoy, and please tell me what you think. Oh and Vote if you like it :D


Chapter 5

 The Marauders had decided to have a little get-together after being apart for so many years. Well, apart from Peter Pettigrew of course. He was a Marauder no more. He had betrayed their trust, he had broken their hearts, and he had done the unthinkable for a Gryffindor by joining Voldemort and his Death Eaters. This was what the rest of the Marauders were discussing one day.

"I still don't understand how he was put in Gryffindor in the first place." James grumbled for the fiftieth time.

"He sure was a pathetic excuse for a Gryffindor." Sirius spat.

"Ok guys just give it a rest for awhile." Remus said, in an attempt to calm down his best mates; an attempt which failed, again.

"Give it a rest? Moony, that pathetic little wimp made our lives miserable! He was ready to sacrifice his so-called best friends just to save his own mousy flesh!" Sirius cried.

"He almost got my son killed." James added.

"He should have been a Slytherin! Little coward." Sirius said.

"I know but... I wonder what happened to him?" Remus asked.

"Good question. We haven't seen him around, so he probably made it through the war. I bet he went into hiding as soon as the war started just so he doesn't have to fight. He was always miserable at dueling. Honestly, it was painful watching him trying to duel." James replied, thinking about the one time they had tried to teach Pettigrew how to duel. He was hopeless. They could take him down within thirty seconds. They had tried to teach him later a few more times, but then finally given up. It was worthless.

"Maybe. But Voldemort would have made him fight. He was after all always tagging along with his master. Old Voldy would have wanted to see how good he was out there on the battle-field. He wouldn't have cared if he died or not." Sirius suggested.

"True, but what if he went into hiding well before the war started?" Remus asked.

"Voldemort would have probably been able to find him then. And Sirius, Voldemort would have probably known his capabilities." James answered.

"What if he didn't?" Remus asked.

"Remus, Voldemort pretty much knew everything. He would have most probably known which of his servant was truly dedicated and which one was only doing his bidding out of fear." James answered.

"What if he didn't know? What if he hadn't found him? Maybe he was always on the move. Who knows?" Remus asked yet again.

"Moony my old friend, this is Peter Pettigrew we're talking about. He is definitely not that smart." Sirius said patting Remus's shoulder.

"But what if-" Remus began but James cut him off saying "Stop asking questions already. You're the smart one here, not us."

"I'm just being logical." Remus stated.

"Logical. Right." James muttered.

Just then, they heard a great commotion in the distance and looked at each other questioningly. They could see a group of people and it looked as if they were coming their way. It looked like someone was being dragged by another person.

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