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𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨

Also, this takes place when they were younger. Like 13-14 idk. Before Dio and Jonathan became big ass bois. 


Dio Brando, the man everyone fell in love with easily. His piercing orange eyes that can make anyone fawn over. But not you,oh, you hated Brando's guts. He always wanted everyone's attention, everyone, especially your's. But no, you hated him. The way he treated your childhood best friend, Jonathan Joestar, constantly pissed you off. You wanted nothing to do with him, or so you thought.

You had been feeling different lately, not sick no no. You were in perfect conditions. It was just every time you looked at the blond boy, you constantly felt a pang in your heart.  Every time you looked at Dio you felt nervous, sweaty. You thought it would be a good idea to ask Jonathan, since you trusted that boy with your heart.


I finally got to the Joestar mansion, wanting to get my answers quick and easy. Is there something wrong with me? Am I ill? I couldn't possibly have caught anything. I ran across the grassy fields, the mansion coming close into my vision. I feel my legs slightly buckle but quickly get up, not wanting to ruin my outfit and look like a total mess for the Joestar. 

Walking up to the door, I feel something run up and hit my leg. I quickly look down, startled at the feeling. I look to see Danny, Jonathan's dog. I sigh, relief, crouching down to pet the black and white dog. I stand back up. Knocking on the door harshly, knowing you would have to make a loud sounds for anyone to hear in that damn mansion. I suddenly heard footsteps coming close to the door. Looking at the door you see the maid open it. 

"Oh, young (Y/N), what brings you here?" The maid asked me. 

"I'm here to see Jonathan, ma'am. I told her. She nodded at me, opening the door the door wider for me to enter into. I walk into the main hall, same as always. Large red staircase, checkered floors, and purplish walls. The maid assisted me on taking my coat off, I thank her. 

"I'll get Master Jonathan, please wait here." She tells me, walking up the large staircase. Silently waiting, anxiety fills my core, my foot twitching and tapping on the cold ground.

"(Y/N)!!" I hear someone call out my name, I look up seeing Jonathan leaning on the rails, waving rapidly at me. I smile happily, waving back to him. 

Jonathan comes running down the staircase, developing me in a big hug. I chuckle and push him off playfully, My smile fades away, being replaced with a frown, knowing I would have to tell Jonathan about whats going on. Jonathan seemed to quickly notice the change in mood from me. 

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Jonathan asks, concern lingering in his voice. He looks down at me. I look up at him and sigh.

"Jonathan, can we talk upstairs? I haven't been feeling myself lately. I was wondering if you would know anything about what is going on with me." I ask him, feeling embarrassed. 

He smiled and grabs my arm, both of us walking up to his room. He opens the door and I sit down on the comfortable bed. 

"So tell me, what has been bringing you down?" He asks me, sitting down making the bed sink. 

"Well, its about...Dio." His eyes widen, anger dwelling up in them. 

"Did he hurt you??! i swear when I see him-" You cut him off quickly before he could say anything.

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