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𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥𝕪 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝔽𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 :3


You were a simple kid, good grades, decent housing, kind parents, but you always lacked one thing.

Now, in your book you couldn't care less if you needed friends or not. As long as you had yourself and your books to keep you occupied in your life then you'd had been perfectly fine.

  Your parents however, they disagreed. They thought you focused to much on books and never on the real world. Kids at your age would be playing with their neighbors. But not you, you were special, in some way.

That is when Jonathan Joestar, one of the richest kids in town came into your life. You didn't expect it, at all. You simply tried to get rid of him but it didn't seem to work.

So, your story went a little like this.

"Finally, peace and quiet." You said, walking up to the tree a few feet away from you. You just had got out of school and was ready to finish some homework and read with no one trying to bother you. You had another tough day. Kids constantly yelling with no manners and no responsibilities insight.

You sighed as you sat down on the soft grass with the shade surrounding you. Opening your books and looking through to start your work. Opening your reading books also for a little bit of procrastination.

𝟚 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 😻

You finally finished your work and started packing your books away. Since you focused so much on books and education, your teachers decided to give you something hard and unfit for your age, but you didn't mind.

As you got up and packed everything away, you heard shouting and yelling coming from a few feet away. You got curious and started to walk the way you heard the commotion.

When getting there you see two boys and a girl around your age. You got closer and hid behind a tree that was close enough to hear what they were saying.

  "Stop it, give it back!" The girl said trying to get the doll back from the two boys. 

"Hey Erina! Did your daddy buy you this doll?" One of the boys said while holding it up in the air so she couldn't reach.

Your eyes widen at the scene. Should you step in and defend the girl or should you walk away and pretend you hadn't seen anything?

"He makes a lot of money for being a quack!" The boys chuckles and look back down at the doll.

"Let's peel her clothes off!" One of them said creepily, staring down at the doll menacingly.

"We'll see if it looks like the real thing!" They yelled out in utter ardor.

The girl stared and started to silently sob. Putting her hands to her face to avoid embarrassment.

"She cried! Erina's a crybaby!" The boys happily taunted the poor girl. The two boys held happily each other and sang the same words over and over again.

This angered you to the fullest. How can kids at this age be such assholes?! You angrily walked away from the tree and was ready to show those boys a piece of your mind.

"Hey you idiots! What gives you the right to pick on someone, especially if they are a sweet petite lady?!" You yelled out to them walking closer to them.

"Eh, who the hell are you? Shouldn't you be minding your business?" The boys turned around to face you, confusion but a smirk mixed in there faces.

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