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all the homies bow down to Queen Erina 🙇🏾

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"Alright Jonathan, take care would you? And make sure not to ruin your clothes again today!" Erina said, laughing and walking out the door, it shutting behind her.

She sighed tiredly, weary of the long day she had spent hanging out with Jonathan. Patting her long dress down as she walked down the pavement. Looking at the beautiful sunset, the sky with warm shades of red and orange, the smell of something sweet infected the air. Erina sniffed the sweet air. The ravishing smell making her mouth water. 

"Where is such sweet smell coming from?" She thought out loud, searching for where it was coming from, suddenly a small bakery caught her eyes. 

"I suppose I do have time for one stop, father won't notice that I was gone past curfew." Erina said, walking to the small bakery. 

(Y/N) P.O.V 

I puffed tiredly, wiping the sweat off of my forehead. I continued to stir the cake mix as fast as I could. 

"Why must I had to be the one to stay after shift." I mumbled to myself angerly. I put the batch down, running to the oven to take the cooked cake out, gagging to the over sweetness of smells. 

I hear the small ring on the door ring, groaning to myself, knowing another annoying customer would add another batch of stress to my back. 

"Ehm, hello? I see you're very busy at the moment, I'll come back later." A sweet voice surrounds my ears. I quickly turn back to see the most prettiest woman I've ever seen. The wonderful woman had soft teal eyes. Amazing blonde hair, and the most expensive dress that is possibly worth a fortune.

"W-wait Miss! Please stay!" I quickly say to her, patting the flour off of my apron. She turns back to me and smiles softly, feeling my face warm up. 

"Are you sure? You seem very much in a cramped area." She explains, chuckling quietly. My face warms up even more, her acknowledging the mess I was in. 

"I-I don't mind at all! In fact, I'll give this cake I'm making right now, off the house!" I say to her, excitement. Her eyes widen.

"Oh dear, you don't have too-" She starts to say before I interrupted her.

"Nonsense! You seem new to the bakery, and besides, I'm feeling generous today." I say sweetly, resting my elbows on the marble counter. 

"Well okay, can I have a slice of that vanilla cake?" She asks quietly, feeling a little nervous. 

I nod as I turn around, puling the cake out of the small container. Taking the vanilla icing of the fridge, I take a big butter knife a scoop the icing onto the knife. Then, I smoothly added the icing on the cake. Finally, I added a fresh strawberry  to the top, as a small treat. Cutting an equivalent piece and putting it to on a clear white plate with different color interiors. I walk up to the fine lady, handing the slice of fresh cake to her. 

"I hope you enjoy this, Ms., uhm-" I tell her, sweating.

"Erina, Erina Pendleton." She says smiling, taking a bite out of the cake. Her eyes widen, the sweet taste dwelling up in her mouth. 

"T-this is amazing! Who ever made this must be an expert!" She said in amazement, continuing to ravish the sweet cake. 

My face reddens at her words, making my heart flutter.

"Actually I made it, Ms. Pendleton.." I say looking down at my dirty shoes. How can someone like me serve someone like her?

Erina looked at me, her eyes widen. Suddenly she takes my hand into hers. Feeling something cold land in my palms. 

"You, my dear are very talented, I would love to visit you more." She kindly says, my heart pounding at the sound of her words. She stood up, patting her dress neatly. 

"Well, it looks like its getting dark, I must return home ." She tells me. I frown slightly not wanting her presence to leave me. 

"Before I leave, may I have your name?" She asks me, turning her head to meet my eyes. 

"(Y/N)....(Y/N), (L/N)" I told her. Her eyes softly looking at my form. Walking out of the bakery, she takes one more look at me before leaving. I sigh tiredly. 

"Erina..what a beautiful name" I mumbled to myself, my face warming to the thought of her. 

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Days became weeks, weeks became months as Erina returned to the bakery, always enthusiastic to see me. Erina would always be so happy when eating the sweets I made for her, constantly complimenting my work. We both would talk about our lives, getting close with each other. Erina would tell me about how her life as an elegant lady was a bummer at times and how she wished she had more freedom in her life. I eventually told her about my families history and about the bakery. I was a complete loner, the bakery being my families only way of making any sort of money. Erina's eyes were full of empathy, requesting if she could help you. I declined her request, knowing it would be selfish to take money from her. 

The feelings for Erina became stronger as the days went by, I would have to confess my love for her, no matter is she rejected me or not. I just couldn't hold in these feelings anymore. 

Putting on something fancy, under my apron, I try to to look as clean as possible, trying not to mess up my clothing. I decided since today was the I would confess to Erina, I would make something special. Erina had told me that she had a love for strawberry cakes. Rolling up my sleeves I started to get to work. 

After at least an hour later I heard the bell ring, almost as if it was an instinct, I knew it was Erina who had came into the bakery. Turning to Erina I smile at her brightly. Her returning the smile back.

"Lovely sunset isn't it,(Y/N)?" Erina tells me, taking a seat in her normal seat. I take my apron off, and reach for the special cake I made for Erina. I put the strawberry cake down in front of Erina, taking a seat in front of her. 

"Strawberry cake, for what occasion?" Erina asks me excitingly , taking a piece out of the cake. I clear my throat, nervousness running through my veins.

"E-Erina I made this because..." I gulped down my spit.

"Erina, I love you!" I exclaim to her, my face warming up rapidly. Looking away from Erina. 

Erina stopped eating and looked at me in shock. Regret building up into my core. Erina's face reddens at my words. 

Her sighing softly, she gets up from her seat, walking up to me. I look away, ready for her harsh words. Instead, I felt something grab my chin. I looked back at Erina, her lips connect to mine. The sweet scent of strawberries and sugar dwell up in my nose. Her lips lasting so sweet from the icing she had eaten. My eyes widen at the action that she had just done. Removing her lips from mine, she smiles as she puts her hand on my cheek.

"I love you too, (Y/N).."

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AAAAAAAA this one made me so happy uwu. I love Erina so much honestly, she deserves so much love just as Jonathan does~. 

Next up, is Straizo and some Phantom Blood scenarios!

Soon we will be at our next stop, Battle Tendency! :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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