ˢᵖᵉᵉᵈʷᵃᵍᵒⁿ/ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴄᴜᴇ!

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I believe in Speedwagon supremacy 🙏🧎🏽‍♂️

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I walked out of the dainty shack, tired and a bit tipsy. I checked the watch to see it was fairly past midnight. I groan silently to myself as I rub my eyes and continue walking around the barely lit street. I decide to take a turn to the right out of complete luck, seeing a foggy street way. 

I monologue to myself, getting ready what to say to Mr, Zeppeli tomorrow morning. I had just got off a ship from America to England. Getting constant letters from Mr. Zeppeli, him asking me for assistance on this anonymous request.  I sigh to myself tiredly, wondering of what mission I'm  getting myself in, 

"What is the purpose of calling me here if that hooligan won't tell me anything?" I exclaimed, walking deeper into the narrow way. I wrap the black coat around my figure tightly.

"Hell..when did it get so cold out here?!" I shiver slightly. I suddenly here glass shatter, instantly turning around. I stand still, feeling as my body froze in place. I hear groaning come from within the fog. 

"Who's there?! I won't hesitate to you fight you!" I started to stand my ground,  focusing on my breathing, getting ready to use my hamon. 

Looking around I only see nothing but the dark ally way. The wind pulsating through the holes in different buildings. I stand still, focusing on my surroundings and breathing. Suddenly I feel something reach and garb my arm, pushing me to the wall. 

"What does a paramour like doing out here at night~" The smell of must and alcohol dwell up in my nose, my face scrunching up in disgust. I push the large figures chest away from my personal space. 

"I would appreciate if you would keep your disgusting breathe away from me." I told the dark figure, growling and pressing my teeth together. 

"Aw, no need to be feisty my dear, I just want to have some fun we you~" Said the drunken man. I growl angerly, unable to control my anger, I throw a hard punch at the man's face. 

He quickly steps away from me, holding his face in his hand, groaning in pain. I straighten up my body, adrenaline pumping through my veins. Without realizing, the man pushed me harder into the wall, the back of my head smashing harshly into the brick wall. 

I groan in pain, falling down to the ground, holding the back of my head. I felt a warm liquid drip down. Feeling dizzy of the amount of blood running down my head I look up to the man, him holding a broken wine bottle. 

"Damnit...." I growl, hamon developing through my hands. 

"You'll fucking pay for this....." I angerly scream. Before I could get up to beat the shit out of the drunk man I hear someone yell out. 

"Oi! The hell are you doing with them!" A strange man runs up to us. He had dirty blonde hair with a giant scar on his face, and small black top hat. 

He runs up to the man and punches him hard enough to at least to break his nose. The man easily picks me up and breaks into a quick sprint. 

"Hey! Just where are you taking me too?!" I yell at him trying to pry myself off of him. '

"You're (Y/N) (L/N) right? Baron has told me about your arrival and I had just coincidentally ran into you!" He explains to me. My eyes widen in shock, how does he now Zeppeli? 

"Where are we heading too?" I asked him, the cold air hitting my face as we run faster. 

"To meet Baron and his ally, don't worry about your head, he'll patch you up." He says in a genuine voice. 

I sigh in relief, thankful its no stranger kidnapping me. I look back up to see that we were approaching two figures. 

"Zeppeli! I found Mx. (Y/N)!" The man yells out, the two figures turn to us. 

"(Y/N)? You were supposed to arrive next week!" Zeppeli runs up to us in a panic. 

"Yeah well, I'm here~" I say sarcastically. Groaning from the amount of blood lost. Zeppeli puts his hand to the back of my head, using the hamon to heal it before any further damage. 

"You're lucky my friend Speedwagon here found you, you would have been dead meat!" Zeppeli exclaims to me. I scoff at him.

"Oh please, I would have been perfectly fine if no one came to my rescue." I look at Speedwagon, his face redden in embarrassment. I chuckle at his sheepishness. 

"Well its great you are here now, my friend here Jonathan, needs some of your help." Zeppeli explains. 

I look up to see a very tall and muscular man, possibly around 198 centimeters. (i just want to smash my head in between his boobs UGHHHHH-) 

"So what is this quest about?" I ask him, my hand landing on my hips. Zeppeli smirks at me, him explaining the whole situation and how it started. 

I stare at Zeppeli in confusion. 

"So, you're telling me some vengeance got ahold of a stone mask and suddenly is a vampire? Bullshit." I scoff and laugh, not believing a word coming from his mouth. 

"Well, Mx. (L/N), if hamon can exist, I guess so can vampires." Speedwagon explains to me.

I turn to him, rethinking what I said.

"Well you do have a point. I guess there is a possibility.." I mumbled. I feel a large hand grab my shoulder. 

"Please, (Y/N), your help would be very much appreciated." Jonathan said, his voice full of desperation. 

I sigh and give in. He looks so sad, how could I say no to him. I thought

"All right, I'll help...when do we start?" I say, adrenaline rushing through me. 

"Now!" Zeppeli says breaking into a sprint, running the other direction.

"Oh...OH?!" I scream, confused. 

"H-HEY! I DIDN'T EVEN TRAIN!" I screamed in panic. Speedwagon chuckles, grabbing my hand softly. 

"Come on! I believe in someone strong like you!" He says, smiling at me. I feel my face warm up. I smile back at him. 

"Hey Speedwagon, thanks for saving me back in the ally way" I told him, tightening my grasp in his hand. 

"Guess you can say I came in to the rescue!" He says laughing at me. 

I chuckled back him.

"Good grief, what a man you are, but I wonder, what more is there to you, Mr. Speedwagon." 

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I hope you guys like this one! Also sorry if this one wasn't as long smh. I had so much fun writing his chapter lol. Sorry I kept you waiting, I just have so many ideas to share! Let me know what character I should write next! :D 

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