A Phone Call

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            Kurapika arrived home after coming from the diner. Even as he got out of his car and walked up to his front porch, he couldn't stop thinking about that morning. No doubt, it was the most enjoyment he'd had in a while. He took out his keys and unlocked the front door, and when walked into his house he went straight to his bedroom and sat down on the bed. He stayed there in silence for a moment then took a big breath, the rise and fall of his chest the only movement of his body. As he exhaled, a tiny smile appeared on his face. He just barely made it home, and he already wanted to see Leorio again. Well, it's normal to miss a friend after they've been gone for so long, isn't it? Yes, that's probably it... he just misses his dear friend. 

            He suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket, immediately recognizing it as his phone. He reached into his pocket to check what the notification was for. It was none other than Leorio. The text read, hey there kurapika! I know we just got back from the diner, but I couldn't wait to talk to you again ;) Ignoring the contents of Leorio's message, Kurapika texted back, Why don't you just call me? He didn't mind getting a text from his friend, of course, but he was so used to him calling that this felt a little strange. The response he got to that question made him regret asking, just a little. you really wanna hear my voice that badly? oh well, I guess I could call you. 

            As  Kurapika was typing a decline of the offer - just a simple 'nevermind' - his phone started ringing and Leorio's name popped up. He let out a sigh and looked at the screen for a while, contemplating whether he shoulder answer it at all. He then pressed the answer button and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" he said, and was met with a rather strange reply. "Kurapika, is that really you?" The blond-haired male furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about? Of course it's me. Who else would I be?" His voice didn't sound weird, did it? Why can't he recognize him? "Hmm, I'm not so sure. The Kurapika I know wouldn't even think of answering a phone call." Kurapika then let out a sigh, partially relieved and partially annoyed. "Haha, very funny." Despite his sarcastic tone, he couldn't help but smile at the silly joke.

            Kurapika continued, "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Almost as if he had forgotten his reason of calling, Leorio responded with "Huh? Oh, yeah yeah! I just- er, wanna arrange our next meeting. Gon and Killua might be able to come, too. I talked to them yesterday, actually. I probably should've mentioned that earlier, but I forgot." He interrupted himself with a small chuckle, then went on. "It'll just have to be at least a week from now. Any earlier, and neither of them will be able to make it. They're probably just busy with their own stuff, y'know?" Kurapika nodded, then immediately realized that the other male couldn't see him. "Mhm. Well, I suppose any date in the near future is alright with me. How about... 10 days from now?" There was a brief moment of silence before Leorio responded. "Yup, I can do that! So where will it be? Somewhere in Yorknew City?" Kurapika answered, "Yes, I would prefer for it to be here. As of right now, though, I can't think of any fun places we can go together. I suppose that's because I don't go to many fun places." A hearty laugh could be heard through the phone. "You're definitely right about that. Man, I used to think you didn't even like to have fun. Not to worry, I have a few places in mind: a roller rink, an arcade, a movie theater, just to name a few. Oh, and there's also a fair going on this month!"

            The last thing he said caught Kurapika's attention. "A fair? That sounds interesting; we'll all be able to enjoy that." Leorio smiled widely, suddenly very excited at the prospect of spending time with Kurapika- and his other friends, as well. "Great! I'll just let Gon and Killua know. So in exactly 10 days, we're going to the Yorknew fair. Now we just need to set the time of day. We could all meet there at five in the evening. That sound good?" Kurapika hadn't been to a fair in a long time, not since he was a child. He was looking forward to it, but the pessimistic side of him made him wonder what could go wrong. He was used to that feeling, though, so he decided to ignore it and let it go away on its own. "Five o'clock? Yes, that's fine."

            "Alright, then. Gon and Killua both have phones now, so after we get off this call I'll make a groupchat for the four of us. Well actually, I guess we can hang up now if you don't have anything else you wanna talk about. We already made our plans, and that's all I called for." In all honesty, he didn't want to hang up. He wanted to hear Kurapika's voice for just a few more minutes, but he knows he hates small talk so he wouldn't want to put him through that. "Mmm... I don't think there's anything else I need to discuss with you. Well then, have a good day, Leorio. Goodbye." Leorio felt a little disappointed that they couldn't talk longer, but there wasn't much he do about it anyway. "Bye, Kurapika. See ya later!" 

            Kurapika took the phone away from his ear and pressed the hang up button. Huh, the fair. He had breakfast with Leorio this morning, and in a few days he'll be going to the fair with all three of his close friends. Life seems to be getting better, and hopefully it stays on that upward slope. A few minutes had passed, and he was snapped out of his thoughts by the buzz of his phone. He looked down to see a notification that he had gotten added to a groupchat. He clicked on it and started typing. They greeted each other, Kurapika added Gon and Killua to his contacts, and Leorio sent the address for the fair. Kurapika watched as Leorio and the boys talked amongst each other, then after a while he put his phone away.

          It's still early, so I might as well busy myself with something, Kurapika thought to himself. He stood up from his bed and stretched. "Hmm... what to do, what to do." He didn't have any clients at the moment, so it would probably be best to look for a job. He went to the desk in the corner of his bedroom and logged on. 


            Leorio leaned forward onto his kitchen counter, looking down at the messages on his phone. He smiled fondly as he watched Gon and Killua start to argue about a childish topic. He scrolled through and noticed that Kurapika hadn't said anything in a while. Eh, he's probably not even on his phone anymore. He set his phone down on the counter, leaving Gon and Killua to squabble with each other. 

            Technically he already had breakfast, but a coffee and a muffin is hardly a meal. He walked over to his refrigerator and opened it as he thought of what to eat. The gallon of milk he bought a few days ago was still full, so he decided to have cereal. He reached for the milk- then had a second thought. He examined the contents of his fridge once again: butter, eggs, flour, fruit, sugar (among other things, of course). "Hmm... maybe..., " he muttered under his breath. He grabbed the milk, then took several other ingredients out and placed them on the counter. "I could learn to make crepes!" He looked up a recipe on his phone, rolled up his sleeves, and got to work.

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