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welcome to Cabin Fever. i hope this story fills you with as much joy as it did me.

 i hope this story fills you with as much joy as it did me

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"Harry, you must stay here. It's for your own safety." Dumbledore said grimly. Harry spun around in a circle, taking in the appearance of the cabin. It was rather nice, with new furnishings and muggle appliances. However that didn't matter. Nice or not, Harry dreaded the thought of staying here.

"Sir, please don't make me stay here. I... I don't want to be alone, okay? Not with everything that's happened." Harry said desperately. He was supposed to stay in this cabin until the order could figure out what was being planned for Hogwarts. The Death Eaters were trying their hardest to break in, to attack Dumbledore, from what they could tell.

"You won't be alone, Harry. Anyways, you're sixteen years old, wouldn't having a house to yourself be wonderful? Some time away from everything could be good for you." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his sharp blue eyes.

"No, sir. I can't stand having all this time to... think."

"Harry, it doesn't do you well to get lost in the past. I know you are strong enough to overcome it, as I've seen you do so countless times before. Your housemate will be arriving tonight, so I suggest you get comfortable." And with that, Dumbledore grasped Harry's arm in a fatherly sort of way, and left.

Harry was lying on the couch, staring at the clock on the wall. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time was going by slowly. The minutes dragged on for what felt like days. All Harry wanted to do was leave this bloody cabin and get back to Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore told him this was for his own safety. Ha, because here was safer than Hogwarts. Right. And who was this mysterious housemate? Maybe Ron and Hermione would be coming! Or Lupin, or Tonks?... Anything would be better than being in this huge cabin alone with his thoughts. Harry didn't completely understand why he was here. He had returned to Hogwarts after spending Christmas at the Burrow, and had barely unpacked his trunk in the dormitory when Dumbledore appeared, told him to repack and apparated them to the cabin. He had no idea where he was, if he was even still in Scotland.

Harry stretched out on the plush burgundy velvet couch some more, and closed his eyes. Just as he was getting comfortable, the front door slowly creaked open. Harry's stomach twisted into furious knots. Shit. Hopefully that was the housemate and not a Death Eater. Harry whipped his wand out of his back pocket and peeked over the back of the couch.

Oh hell no.

Draco Malfoy stumbled into the kitchen, threw a large leather bag onto the table and look around. His nose was scrunched up in distaste. He's always so...pointy, Harry thought. So sharp, both with his words and appearance. Dumbledore followed Draco inside, smiling.

"Hello again, Harry." Dumbledore said.

Draco's pale grey eyes widened. "Harry? Harry Potter? You've got to be kidding me. No, no, no. I'm not doing this."

Dumbledore waved his wand and Malfoy's things floated upstairs. He led the blonde over to the armchair opposite of Harry's couch and stood beside it.

"Boys," he began in the soft voice, "I am aware that you may not be the best of friends."

"Damn right." Draco spat.

"Boys, this is for your own good. Harry, you know about the Order's concerns, that Hogwarts may not be the safest place for you anymore. Until we can be sure that the school's barriers are truly impenetrable it is crucial that you stay hidden." Dumbledore looked older than ever.

"Draco, your family has strong ties to Voldemort. I saw your suffering, your light getting dimmer with time. That, along with what we discussed at Hogwarts, is why I asked you to come with me." Dumbledore's voice was sharp. Draco went even paler. "You are both at high risk right now, more so than ever before. So for now, I leave you here. Myself or Professor McGonagall will be back every week to give you lessons, as you will likely be missing the remainder of the school year." Dumbledore made his way to the front door again. His sweeping blue robes look like water flowing and as he turned to look at Harry again, his eyes were the same colour.

"Be careful." He whispered, though Harry heard him loud and clear. And with that, Dumbledore was gone.

"This is a load of shit." Draco snapped. Harry scowled at him.

"I don't like this either, Malfoy. But shut up, really. This is... for our protection. I'm sure we'll be going our separate ways soon." Harry said through gritted teeth, not believing his own words.

"The sooner the better." Draco sneered. He really looked quite alarming when he twisted his mouth up like that. Totally not flattering.

"I'm going upstairs." Harry mumbled. He threw Malfoy one last disapproving glare before trudging up to the second floor. It was rather nice, with its large landing, four bedrooms and large bathroom. Harry could get used to living there, if he tried to enjoy it. There was enough space for him to steer clear of Malfoy as much as he could. He had already claimed the bedroom at the end of the hallway, opposite of the bathroom. He caught a glimpse of Malfoy's things sitting on the bed in the room next to his. Harry went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, inspecting his reflection. A soft shadow of stubble had appeared on his jaw. Hermione would tell me I need a haircut, Harry thought. He blew his hair out of his eyes and raked his fingers through it in a pointless attempt to make it lay flat.

"Potter, while I find it fascinating to watch an ape groom itself, I need to piss." Malfoy drawled in the doorway. Harry felt his face flush as he exited the bathroom, knocking Malfoy's shoulder with his own. He slammed his bedroom door shut and flung himself face first onto his bed. Why Malfoy, of all people? Why couldn't they be kept in separate places? He was stuck here with the one person who knew exactly how to get under his skin. Harry's agitated thoughts slowly faded as he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

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