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Once Harry had calmed down, Draco led them over to the sofa. He sat in the corner and pulled Harry down beside him. The emerald eyed boy laid his head down on Draco's lap, and almost instinctively the blonde began running his fingers through Harry's curly mess of raven hair.

"Is this alright?'" Draco stopped his movements for a moment. Harry nodded slightly, exhaling deeply. "Good."

Harry's arm eventually ended up hanging off the sofa, where he began toying with the laces on Draco's shoes. Draco couldn't help himself from smiling. He had always thought moments like this one would be permanently out of reach. He wanted to tell Harry just that, but he hesitated. Would Harry say the same thing? Or was this simply a moment of vulnerability, and he had to turn to Draco as there was no one else there.

"Harry," he began. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." He felt himself go pink in the cheeks, and in his mind thanked Merlin that Harry couldn't see his face.

"I don't think you've ever called me Harry. It's nice." The tanned boy mumbled. "But what do you mean?" He rolled so that he was looking up at Draco.

"You know, we were rather obsessed with each other through the years." Draco laughed softly. "You just assumed my obsession was fuelled by hate."

Harry thought that Draco's laugh sounded musical, like wind chimes.

"Well you acted like a complete tosser." Harry stated matter of factly. Draco rolled his eyes.

"I had to get your attention one way or another."

"Consider yourself successful then." Harry reached up to trail his fingers along Draco's jaw.

"It's positive attention now, I hope?" Draco asked, bringing Harry's fingertips to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss on every finger, then on the back of Harry's hand.

"I think you know the answer to that."

Draco nodded, entwining his fingers with Harry's. With his other hand he pushed back Harry's hair, revealing the lightning scar. He traced it lightly.

"Does it hurt?" He asked the boy in his lap. "I've heard that dark magic can leave wounds that never fully heal."

"Sometimes." Harry answered, breaking eye contact. "More now, since Voldemort has returned."

Draco visibly flinched at the name. His heart dropped to his stomach.

"What do you think is going to happen? Now that the Dark Lord has regained his power?"

"I'm not sure yet. I've never really been sure of the situation of the year until I'm right in the midst of it. I sort of just make things up as I go. I'd be practically useless if it wasn't for Ron and Hermione."

"I'm sure that's not true. You are the Chosen One, aren't you?"

"I suppose." Harry said with a tone that told Draco that conversation was over for the time being.

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