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Bliss. That was the only word to describe how Draco was feeling. After years of dreaming, he had finally gotten to experience Harry Potter. He had exceeded any and all expectations.

Draco had practically floated down the stairs to meet Harry in the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear. They shared their meal in silence, sneaking little glances that said more than enough. Draco bounced his knee anxiously, waiting for Harry to say something, anything. The seconds ticked by, and nothing.

"Lost in thought?" Draco finally asked. Harry huffed out a breath through his nose, lips quirked with amusement.

"You could say that, I suppose."

Another pregnant pause.

"Care to elaborate?" Draco placed his chin in his hands, looking intently into those emerald orbs.

"Oh, it's- um, it's nothing important." Harry's brows were pulled together slightly. He pursed his lips, and Draco could almost see the gears in his head turning. "It's everything all at once, actually. I'm just... confused. As to why we're here, why I haven't heard from anyone... Confused about why things have suddenly changed between us. Not that I'm complaining, Draco-" He placed his hand of top of the Slytherin's. "It's just a lot to think about."

"I see." Draco said shortly. "You're not the only one feeling conflicted."

"How did you even end up here? Why do you need to be hidden away?" Harry scooted his chair closer to the platinum haired boy.

"Dumbledore... He spoke with me upon returning to Hogwarts after the break. I came back a day earlier than the other students, my mother apparated us to Hogsmeade. He shared some... concerns with me. I honestly didn't have much of a choice." Draco sounded rather defeated. He sighed before continuing. "I don't think my parents even know where I am. They probably think I'm still at school. Merlin, what father would do to that man if he knew."

"What concerns?" Harry asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

"Family matters, nothing for you to worry about." Draco muttered, yet the blush that spread across his cheeks said otherwise. He began picking at his nails again. Harry chose to let it go for the time being.

Both boys jumped when there was a quick tapping at one of the windows. Harry rose cautiously, wand drawn. He crept to the window above the sink. He straightened up suddenly and threw the window open with a cry of delight.

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed. The owl landed on the countertop, closing her eyes as Harry stroked her head. "I wasn't sure if I'd see you again."

Hedwig stuck her leg out to Harry, drawing his attention to the letter secured there. He untied it and sat himself on the counter beside his bird. Turning the envelope over, he read:

Harry James Potter
Cabin in the Woods

Harry scoffed, finding it unbelievable that he still wasn't allowed to know where on earth he was. He ripped the envelope open.

I can imagine you're feeling isolated at the moment. I thought it best to wait until I was sure your location would not be discovered until sending Hedwig. I have placed a glamour upon her, making her only identifiable to you. I only ask that you are cautious when sending letters, keep in mind not to disclose any information of your whereabouts. Ms Granger and Mr Weasley are anxious to hear from you.
I hope all is well and that you and Mr Malfoy are being civil.
I will see you tomorrow afternoon for your lessons.
-Albus Dumbledore

Harry had mixed feelings. He was grateful to have some sense of normalcy with Hedwig back in his possession, yet still frustrated that he wasn't allowed to share anything about where he was with his best friends. Not that he really knew anything he could share.

"Who's that from?" Draco enquired.

"Dumbledore. He glamoured her to make it less obvious."

"Of course he sends you your owl. But me? No, can't risk me summoning the Death Eaters." Draco scoffed. He had that unpleasant pinched look on his face.

"Maybe yours just hasn't gotten here yet, Draco." Harry's tone was disengaged as he rummaged around for some parchment and a quill. "Have you seen anything to write with around here? I want to send a letter to Ron and Hermione."

"No, Potter, I haven't." The blonde drawled. "Better find one quick, I'm sure Weasel and the Mudblood are dying to hear from you."

"Don't call her that." Harry snapped. His chest felt heavy when Draco called him by his surname.

Draco opened his mouth to retort, but Harry threw his hands in the air and stormed away. He was disappointed, but not surprised that Draco had fallen back into his old ways. He went to his room and dug around some more, finding a quill and some parchment in the bottom of his trunk. He sat on the floor and hunched over the paper, scribbling away. He wrote about his feelings of isolation, his frustrations, and how he missed them so much. He wrote about Draco, how things were slightly better between the two of them but there were still moments where it felt like they were back in the corridors of Hogwarts, bickering to the point of hexing each other. He wanted to share with them his growing feelings for Draco, but he wasn't quite ready. He wasn't sure if he would ever be ready. Ending the letter with many questions, wondering if they knew anything more about what was happening in the world he was cut off from, he sealed it in an envelope. As if she had read his mind, Hedwig was waiting on the windowsill. Harry tied the letter to her leg.

"Make sure this gets to Ron and Hermione." He whispered to her, stroking her head one last time before she disappeared with a great swoop of her wings.

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