Chapter 32 - Be my girlfriend?

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Carson drove until he stopped in front of a restaurant? It's a fancy one. He's not taking me there right?

C: surprise. (smiles)
B: cars where are we heading to?
C: don't you see that restaurant over there? (chuckles)

He pointed at the fancy restaurant. No he did not.

B: you're not taking me there right? (awkward laugh)
C: I am taking you there love.
B: no..
C: yes now step talking and let's go

He got out of the car and walk towards my side , He opened the door for me.

B: what a gentleman huh?
C: thank you very much for the compliment now shall we?

he held out his hand for me to hold.

B: we shall. (smiles)

I took his hand and stand up and he closed the door. We start to walk towards the restaurant and a waiter walked us to our table. Everyone is legit staring at us. Carson looked down so I held his hand tighter and whispered to him.

B: remember what I said when we were in Disneyland?
C: ignore them. (weakly smiles)
B: good now enjoy our date okay?
C: okay

I took my hand away form him to look at the menu

B: Cars this is way too expensive!
C: sh just order what you like
B: no
C: come on or I'll be sad
B: fine.

Then a waiter came to us, she has a look in her face.... terrified.

(W- Waiter)

W: W-what would you L-like to order?
B: are you scared?
W: n-no
B: just to tell you he won't hurt anyone, he changed.
W: sure (rolled her eyes)
B: watch your eyes. I was trying to be kind to you and say that he wouldn't hurt you or anybody else.. Just to let you know he don't hurt woman or girls. But if you don't watch your attitude I might be the one who hurt you.

I gave her a death stare. I looked at Carson and he stared at me in shock

W: S-sorry.. anyways what would you guys want
B: I would like to have this

I pointed to the food at the menu

C: 2 of that.
W: okay is that all?
B: yes
W: okay.

She walked away, ugh I hate those kind of girls. Carson raised his eyebrow at me.

B: what?
C: where did you get that attitude huh?
B: I am like that when someone is having that attitude to my fiends or everyone that I love. She's a bitch.
C: okay calm down (chuckles) so that means you love me?
B: eh kind of.

Carson's face expression change to a sad one.

B: chill cars I was just kidding (laughs)
C: phew I thought you don't love me anymore.
B: why would I do such a thing?
C: I'm not that guy who can be soft and that stuff.
B: are you crazy? You are the best guy I have ever met!
C: really?
B: of course!
C: I love you
B: I love you too bub.

Then the food came and we started eating. After we finished Carson paid. We came out and went to the car and drove off.

C: we're not going home yet.
B: are you kidding me? You already took me to a fancy restaurant, Where are you taking me now?
C: a special place.

Carson drove and stopped at a field. We came out and It's such a beautiful field we can see the whole city here. It's beautiful.

B: wow
C: (chuckles)
B: This is beautiful
C: I know.
C: Brynn, look there!

I quickly turn to see it but there's nothing sp I turned around again to asked what it is he was standing there holding a ring.

C: Brynn Adela Rumfallo, You are such a beautiful young woman that can brighten up everyone. Sine I brought you I started to change.. In a good way, I can't describe how amazing you are and would you make me the happiest man and be my girlfriend?
B: yes!!

He put the ring on my finger and said

C: this is a promise ring that we will love each other forever.
B: I love you so much Cars.
C: I love you too babe.

hi forgive me if I haven't update this story for like two days, school is so stressful! Well enjoy this chapter <3

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