Chapter 2: „Partners"

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As the elevator-doors opened, you walked into the forensic lab, towards the main room. The automatic glass door opened, making way for you to inspect your new equipment as the forensic scientist no.2. But before you were able to look at it, you saw two people on the other side of the room. There were so many things that were new to you that you didn't hear or see them at first. But the second you saw a certain black-haired female, your heart skipped a beat or two.
Plumb black and red lips, black hair, braided into two cute pigtails. A spike necklace, punk black boots und such a positive yet powerful aura you could never describe in words. Abby Sciuto. You felt like your face was about to melt off from the heat rising on your now pink cheeks. You never felt like this, heck, you didn't even think of having a partner in your life. Well: All you wanted so far was getting a job and becoming independent from your parents. „My god.... If she is my co-worker here, I'll f-king lose my mind..." you thought, staring at her figure. Just then, you realized she was talking to someone. And she was smiling. God, her smile made you weak to the knees. „I gotta talk to her! Keep it cool, (Y/N), you got this. Just....don't let her see you're nervous!" You got yourself together and walked up to Abby and the other person. „McGee, I told you, I'm keeping my coffin and you'll learn to like it!" Abby said, looking at her „working partner". „Coffin?" you asked yourself. You stopped next to her, tapping on her shoulder to get her attention. „What is it, Ton- Who are you?" she asked, clearly confused about you being here. „I'm-" „Abby, this is (Y/N) (L/N). The new forensic scientist and your working partner. Gibbs thought you could use some help down here." McGee said, giving you a warm smile. „Yep, that's me. Happy to work with you, Abby." you said, not paying attention to McGee. You didn't like him already; him and Abby seemed too close for your tastes.

Abby looked at you for a moment before rubbing your head. You were shorter than her, so it wasn't much of a bother for you since you were used to it by your older brother and parents. (Sry if you're tall, just go with it plz) „Same" she just said, giving you a smile that could make your heart burst any second now. Your breath became heavier and your cheeks grew pink again. „You okay, (Y/N)? Your face doesn't look good." Abby said, facing you and looking you deep into the eyes, your (E/C) ones meeting hers. Your face grew redder every second. You weren't able to think clearly anymore, so you just stammered around. „I- um I'm f-f-fine. Th-Thanks." you were able to stammer a few words. FUUUUUCK!!!" you mentally facepalmed, raging at your stupidity. „I'll go now, cya!" you said before rushing into the elevator again before pressing the button to the 3. floor, the autopsy lab, and waving at Abby, giving her a shy smile. She smiled back at you and turned back to her computer, going back to work. „This job is gonna make me lose my mind..." you thought, calming down again after nearly having a heart attack up there.

The elevator stopped und the doors opened. You walked a few steps out of the elevator, through a short hallway, towards the autopsy lab. You opened the door, walking into the clean and silent room. Dr. Donald Mallard, or Ducky, how everyone called him, was currently putting a corpse into the „freezer", closing the door of it and turning to you. „How can I help you?" he asked. „I'm the new forensic scientist, (Y/N) (L/N) and I wanted to get to know my new college, pleasure to meet you, Dr. Mallard." you said, putting your hand out for him to shake. He did as you intended, giving you a friendly handshake. „The pleasure is all mine. And please: Call me Ducky." he said, giving you a small smile. You did the same, taking back your hand and saying a short goodbye before walking back to the elevator. „Later, Ducky!" you said.

The doors closed again and the elevator took you back to the 2. floor. This was going to be a great job and you already knew you loved your new working partner. You sat down at your desk in the forensic lab to do a bit of paperwork, but you couldn't think of anything else but her. You sighed, rubbing you eyes and leaning against the chair. You slowly dozed off, slightly snoring. Abby heard you all the way from the other room of the lab, looking at you and smiling to herself. „She's adorable." Abby laughed, going back to work. The first day of your new job at NCIS-Headquarters came to a nice end and you couldn't wait to spend more time with your new crush, Abby Sciuto.
Word count: 852

Abby Sciuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now