Chapter 4: Our secret

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A/N: I'm so sorry that I couldn't upload anything new yesterday! I was really caught up in a discussion with my friends and I had to do a lot of other things too.... But I hope a little longer chapter will make it up to you. Thanks for your support! ❤️

Your POV:
„I am not nervous. Everything's gonna be fine. She just wants!" I thought as I stood in front of my mirror in the bathroom at 5:30 a.m. I got ready and walked through my front door, locked it and drove to the Headquarters. Once I was past the security and in the main office, I froze.

Not a single soul was there. Usually, all these seats would be taken by agents, but today, there was no one. I took a few deep breaths, walked past the tables and towards the elevator. This fricking elevator was like the gates of hell. I was extremely nervous to see Abby today, not only because of the invitation to get here earlier, but because she finally needed my help with a real case. I haven't done this part of my job in a long time, so I was kinda nervous to do it again. I entered the elevator, its doors closed and it started moving downwards to the forensic lab. „This is gonna be fine, no: It's gonna be great!" I thought, trying to be a bit more optimistic than I usually am. I fixed my hair and clothes once more before the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Abby's POV:
I was doing the usual stuff, analyzing blood and other substances that I was about to identify. I took a sip of my Caf Pow and typed more and more things into my computer. After this, I just sat there and looked at the clock every now and then. 5:45. 5:50. 5:55. Then it was finally 6 a.m. sharp. The doors of the elevator opened and there she was: (Y/N). Little, perfect (Y/N). After McGee and I had that little argument, I wanted to talk to her and give her something to thank her for being there for me. But I wanted to play a bit with her, so I just looked at my computer again and acted as if I was busy with the case me and her were gonna work on today. I wanted to smile to myself for being such a genius, but I had to take my role of the cool, and well, genius Abby I am.

Your POV:
There I was, the forensic lab.
I walked up to the desk Abby was sitting on, and she looked good. But I had to keep myself together. I didn't want her to get suspicious after all. I walked up to her, getting mentally prepared for what this day was gonna hold for me. „Morning, Abby." I finally spoke up, nearly messing up again. „Hey there! You're just in time I see!" she said, looking at the clock once again. „Heh, guess I am" I answered, relaxing already. She got up from her desk and walked past me towards the machine with the substances. She put on her safety glasses and gloves and inspected the samples. I put down my things, pulled off my jacket and hung it over my chair. I grabbed some gloves and glasses as well and joined Abby with the case.

3 hours later
Your POV:
Me and Abby had been working for a long time now. With me grabbing coffee and some Caf Pow for Abby every now and then, greeting my colleagues that were slowly filling the office over the time.
I got back from my now 6th walk to the office to get my coffee and entered the lab again. Ducky had also been here to give us some more stuff to analyze. He was a nice guy, but I was more than happy to be with Abby for this long now.
Now that it was 9 a.m, me and Abby decided to take a short break. We sat next to each other at her computer, playing a few games we both liked (Sry if you don't like games or stuff like that). We were both really enjoying our time together and Abby seemed to be over McGee already which made me glad.

„Y'know Abbs, I wanna ask ya something." I threw in the room. She looked at me and responded: „Sure, spit it out, (Y/N)." „Well, I wanted to know if you and McGee were still a thing..." you said, looking away from her in case she would get angry about it. „Nope. Me and McGee are done." Abby said, looking at me with a calm expression. I looked at her again and screamed on my insides with happiness. „Oh, these other samples are done!" Abby said, getting up and putting her gloves and glasses back on. I did the same, now standing next to her. It only took a few minutes for the samples to be identified and for us to just smile at each other. It felt like another sweet eternity like yesterday, but it was only a few minutes for me to realize I was staring at her.

I quickly turned my head towards the sample stand next to Abby and now in front of me. I looked down at the sample stand, my cheeks turning a bright pink. A small smirk crept up Abby's lips before taking off her glasses and kissing me on the cheek.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend everything. By the time I did, I was as red as I tomato and my hands shaking a bit. I took off my glasses as well and turned around to look at her. And what I saw made my heart explode. Abby was smiling and her cheeks having the same pink color as mine had a minute ago. I wasn't able to talk at all. I was just too shocked but happy at the same time, I didn't know how to describe this feeling. „Just so you know, You're terrible at hiding both your feelings and secrets, especially from me~" she said, the smirk growing back into her face. I got more embarrassed every second she looked at me, so I just gave up.

„So you knew, huh?" I just asked, calming down again. She just nodded and cupped my face to make me look at her again. „Yep, but it's okay. I was gonna break up with him anyway. (Y/N), you did nothing to worry about." I looked at her again before closing my eyes and preparing for something I always dreamed of and Abby knew exactly what I wanted. She closed her eyes and pulled my face towards hers and our lips finally met. When air was needed, we pulled apart and just looked at each other's eyes. Both our faces a bright red and smiles on our lips.

„Let's keep this our little secret, shall we~?" she's said, putting her forehead on mine. „Of course. Just our secret, Abbs." I said. I had never been so happy in my life. From this very moment, me and Abby were a secret couple in our mids since Gibbs' rule no. 12 was against that kind of thing. Me and her used to kiss or flirt with each other every now and then when no one was in the lab which happened much more often since McGee stopped working here too. I was kinda glad he was gone so there was no chance of losing Abby again.

I was truly happy. And with Abby by my side, I was looking forward to a bring future.
Word count: 1292

I really felt like a sinner this time, but I got over it and found the motivation to finish this book for you guys. Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you're looking forward to my other books as well. Again, thank you guys so much for the support and always remember:
Stay safe and stay online! ❤️

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