𝕃𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕏: 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕘𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤

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Hello there! How's it going? 

Ugh, I'm so bad at chapter titles! 

I know I'm being slower, but school's tough. 

Anyways, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV*

They told me to wait in a room I didn't knew. The walls were pastel pink and had teddy bears on the wallpaper midwall. The carpet was fluffy and confortable, it was grass green and there were plenty stuffies around, my stuff and more pillows than I thought possible. I asked if I could see Han as soon as I could speak again, but they said I couldn't, protocols and stuff, so I was waiting for literally anyone to show up while playing with an infinity cube. I'd much rather be playing with Han's fingers while we held eachother, but this would have to do. 

-Hi Luke, remember me? 

I saw her 20-something frame walk into the room throught the white wood door. I didn't knew it was unlocked I was told to wait there so I did. She had her raven hair shorter, the tight locks way to playful for someone who seemed has formal as her. She was my old therapist, Miss Blackwood, taking the chair in front of mine. Of course I remembered her, she was hard to forget, specially when she helped me so much. She soon became more like a confident and less like a doctor to me. She helped me when I felt guilty about the lack of grief I felt towards uncle Owan, when I felt it was wrong to be gay... when I had no one to turn to, there she was. 

-Of course I do. Can I just know why we're here? Why aren't they letting me out? Did I do something wrong? - I simply asked, a bit more nervous. 

-Of course you didn't, Luke! None if this is your fault. I... I'm not allowed to tell you this, but you're a big kid now. They are keeping you in here and called me here to make sure this didn't triggered anything in you, that if you walk out that door and touch someone you won't have another attack. You had to be sedated after the first and it's comprehensible, it was a big chock for you... 

-I thought he died... Everyone thought he had... - I muttered. 

-It's a lot of information to take in, I know. - Her voice was soft and understanding, but she didn't treated me like I was made of glass that could easily break. She understood me. - Why don't you tell me what's on your mind? 

I shifted in the chair again, sitting with my legs crossed, cuddling a furry baby blue pillow that was bigger than the others and I found more confy. 

-I'm scared of seeing him again. I'm scared this means I won't be able to fight him the next time we meet and I'll be his toy again. I'm uncomfortable, I don't want him to walk up to me again... I'm terrified, I just wanna wake up and discover this was a horrible nightmare. 

-I understand you. 

She extended her hand to me, a small ask. I held her hand scared I'd feel something close to before, when I wore my gloves, but it was ok. 

-You look uncomfortable, is anything wrong, Luke? - She was seriously conserved, but there was only one thing that really popped onto my head. 

-I want Han. 

-Han... that's a new name since we've last talked, isn't it? Is he the brown hair boy outside? 

-Yes, that's probably him. - Knowing he was waiting for me made my tummy flutter. I wanted him. 

-He was very worried about you, he kept insisting to see you. Is he your boyfriend?

I smiled at that thought. 

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