New Finds

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After Max had eaten and Philip had explained the situation to him, they had gone to Washington. The man had welcomed Max with a warmth he was rarely ever seen portraying, and Philip shook off the worries he had had about the former General. And yet, he was still nervous. His head was full of thoughts as he stood in Washington's office and the man spoke to Max. Worries about Theodosia, and about the things that the police officer said, whoever this Jefferson guy was and why Gilbert was acting so strange when asked about him, and many meaningless patches of thoughts that he couldn't quite place.

He only noticed the silence in the room when Washington cleared his throat. Philip's head snapped up. "Are you alright, boy?", the former general said, and Philip's face turned red in embarrassment. Quickly, he nodded. "Of course, sir. Uhm... did Theodosia speak to you yet?" The man chuckled. "Yes, she was here. She will be staying with us until further notice from her or her father, I myself have nothing against her being here." Philip couldn't hold back a smile, and his eyes lit up, making the man in front of him let out a booming laugh. "Good news, hm? I think she's in the office, so if you want to go speak to her now you can go."

"Actually", Philip stopped him, "I overheard something outside that I wanted to ask you about..." Washington nodded, and Max, sensing that he wouldn't be needed or wanted in this, ducked away through the door, most likely going to wander around and explore the house. Philip hesitated. "Uhm... so there's this name that I overheard from a police officer in the city that I wanted to ask you about..." "What is it, Philip?", Washington asked, his tone encouraging. "Do you know the name Thomas Jefferson?"
Philip could see a shift in the leader's expression. "Yes, I do know that name. Why don't you sit down?"

Hesitantly, Philip took a seat. "Do you know Jefferson?" Washington nodded. "Oh yes, I do. He's a politician just like I was, perhaps even a bit more. He helped build up this nation with everyone else, and was appointed Secretary of State very early on. He and Alexander- your father, I mean, didn't get along very well. The two were enemies, both in and outside the cabinet. Jefferson was one of the people to push the scandal into the public eye, pressuring everyone around to turn against your father. I have no respect for the man, please excuse my far from professional telling, but I want you to know the truth." Philip nodded. "What happened then?" "After the execution, I stepped down, and John Adams took my place as president. It didn't last long, the people hated him, and he was voted out at the next election. The hero to the public, Thomas Jefferson, became president, and is to this day."

Philip felt anger boil inside of him, but kept himself from letting it go. "And he wants me dead?" Washington nodded. "I'm afraid so. And I think they also know that you're here, but they can't come in here without a good reason. That's why you need to be careful when going outside, no laws will protect you there because you're legally dead." "Okay..." Washington gave him a reassuring smile. "There's plenty to do in here. And if you really feel the need to go outside, I suggest leaving through the hole in the garden fence. It leads into a small patch of park where you're concealed until far enough away from the house. Go now, I'm sure your little friend is waiting."

Philip quickly nodded and said his goodbye, then left. He couldn't see Max anywhere in the hallway, and so he assumed he'd wandered off to explore. Philip hadn't been in nearly all parts of the house, and so his feet carried him down the known corridors, looking into rooms to see if he could find the teenager anywhere, without result. "He must've gone up those stairs... well shit." In front of Philip were the stairs that brought him to the so far by him undiscovered part of the house. He once again was a little surprised at the size of the building, but found it to be logical to house so many important people. And yet, the thought of getting lost made him anxious.

"Oh, fuck it", he muttered as he walked up the stairs. A set of hallways greeted him at the top, and he started walking down the halls, trying to ban the thought of getting lost from his mind. There were pictures on the walls, and everything seemed just as it was in the known parts. "Huh... wonder who keeps this place up, seems like a lot of work...", he quietly muttered, the sound of his voice comforting him more than the silence. Then, a sound startled him, and he froze. From behind one of the doors, he heard rustling sounds, and then it went quiet again. Philip's heart began racing, and he contemplated running away, but then shook the thought out of his head. Carefully, he walked towards the door. "Max...?", he called out as he slowly opened the door. Instead of finding the boy, he came face to face with an elderly woman, who looked just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. She was sitting in a reading chair and holding a stack of papers, which Philip deciphered to be the source of the rustling.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't know you were in here, I'm looking for my friend!", he apologized. The woman stared at him with a confused look. "I'm sorry honey, can you speak louder?" Philip nodded, and repeated his words in a louder tone. The woman gave him a confused smile. "It's okay, but who are you?" "My name is Philip Hamilton", he told her, keeping his voice at the same volume. The woman's face lit up, and she quickly scrambled to her feet, walking up to Philip. "My god, you are! You look so much like your father." Philip stood still as the strange woman examined his face. "Come, come sit down, please", she said as she pulled him to the sofa chairs in the corner. He sat down on one of them, and she sat down on hers. "This is so surprising to me, I now remember my husband saying something about you, but it must've completely slipped my mind that you arrived! My name is Martha Washington, I'm George's wife." Philip smiled. "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

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