Max's Escape

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I woke up because the sun was shining right on my face, and my shoulder was hurting like crazy, I was confused at first for sure, but then I remembered how that dog attacked me, and then the rest of the story. Opening my eyes, I sat up and looked around. Looked like a nurse's office to me, but with less of the friendly shit. I just assumed I was in prison, but at that point I wasn't that upset about it, atleast I wasn't dead, right?

After making sure I wasn't hooked up to one of those medical thingies, I got up and walked around the room, which had like three beds and some cupboards. Hey, before you say anything, walking doesn't require two good shoulders! Anyway, I didn't find anything interesting. Then I remembered how hungry I was. The last time I ate was those apples, that was what I assumed was the last day at around noon. I never really count days.

I pulled out the chocolate Philip gave me. I knew saving it was a good idea! I had no clue why nobody was here, but oh well. I pushed one of the ten pieces of chocolate in my mouth, then pushed down the door handle. Damn, this prison really wasn't that great at imprisoning, was it? The door opened, and I walked into some kind of hallway. Around the corner was another hallway with cells, but I stayed far away from those, didn't want anyone of those folks snitching on me.

The other direction was two doors, one said it was some kind of room for the guard folks, so I sure as hell didn't open that. The other wasn't labeled, so I pushed it open. Damn, this was easy. I opened the door that said exit in really big letters, and was blinded at first by the sun. There was a gate with the sharp stuff on top, and a guard dog in front of it, on the inside obviously.

I was honestly offended when I saw it was the same dog that knocked me out yesterday. And what was he even chewing on? The fuck? That's my coat! What kind of bullshit prison was this?? The dog noticed me and ran towards me, but he had a chain, so he just kind of stood there barking. I thought for just a second before throwing the other nine pieces of chocolate in front of him. He stopped barking, and I quickly went and hid behind the dumpster.

From there I watched the dog eat the chocolate and then go back to his spot. A few minutes later, he fell asleep. Ahem... yeah, asleep. Well, he won't make trouble anymore. I felt bad, sure, but that little fuck almost killed me, and I had to get out, okay? I searched in the dump and found a little metal piece, then went up to the gate. I had no idea how to pick a lock, but this couldn't be so hard. I poked around a bit, and surprise surprise, the door opened. Damn, I was lucky.

I ran out without a second thought, and down the road. Without a coat, I was shivering, but that thing couldn't even have been considered a coat anymore. I ran to keep warm and to get away from the prison. There was nothing on the road for a really long time, and I mean a really long time. Like, atleast a couple hours of me either running or walking, mostly running. Then I saw a town. It was really tiny, but I quickly ran to investigate. There were a few people out on the street, and I was noticed by a young woman. She came up to me with her grocery bag.

"Hey there, are you lost? You're freezing, are you alright?" I shrugged. "I'm fine, but it's like you said, I'm kinda lost." "You need something warm to wear and eat, come with me! I have a landline, I can call your parents." I quickly shook my head and took a step back. "Ma'am, all but go back to my parents! I appreciate your offer, but I got kicked out, and I won't beg to go back." She gave me a pitying look. "But where is your home? Where can you go?" I stood up straight and looked up and right into her eyes. "I'm heading for the city, ma'am! Looking for a friend there, yeah!"

She smiled. "Well, I can give you warmer clothing, and something to eat. Will you come with me?" I pretended to think for a second. Yeah, I know you're not supposed to go with strangers, but anything's better than prison, am I right? She doesn't need to know I'm coming from there. "Yeah, I'll come with you." She took my hand and we walked down the street together. "I'll give you one of my son's old coats, he's quite a bit bigger than you, so they'll fit you." Soon, she stopped at a house, and we went inside. The woman sat me down in the kitchen and gave me tea, we talked about her son.

"Yes, my son Timothy is off to boarding school. He's a good kid, but a bit quiet. He's 16 now. Ever since his father and I got divorced, he's been hiding out mentally. But I hope it'll get better when he's surrounded by people his age", she told me. I listened quietly and nodded along, she seemed like a nice woman and I didn't wanna be rude to her. "But enough of that. Where did you say you wanted to go, young man?" "The city, the capital", I answered. She laughed. "That's quite a bit of way! We're almost five days away from it, by car that is. Train is even longer I think."

I think she could see my discouraged face, because she quickly smiled. "Hey wait, I have an idea. There's a man right outside of town who flies a hot air balloon, what do you say you go to him? He's a bit of a goofy guy, I'm sure he'll be happy to give such a nice young man like you a ride!" I laughed at the thought. "Wait, really?" "Yeah! I bet you'll make it in a day with that thing. You should go to him right now! I'll give you a food packet and a coat and scarf, alright? I'll be right back."

Without me able to say anything, the ma'am got up and disappeared, reappearing shortly after with a paper bag of food and the clothing items. She gave me the stuff and I thanked her, then left. The town was small, so I was at my destination in 10 minutes or somewhere around that. The air balloon was huge, and there was a funny looking man standing by it. I went up to him and told him my request.

"Well all aboard kiddo! Hope you're not afraid of heights!" I couldn't believe my luck, but didn't hesitate and let him rethink, instead going on the balloon, followed by the man, who made the balloon fly high up in the air. I held onto the basket and stared outside. This was so much bigger than what I saw on the train!! I could see the prison, and the entire town, and also the woods, and the fields, and a nearby town, and we were so close to the clouds!

"My name's Pluto, and yours?", the man said. I laughed at the name. "Oh, that's so funny! I'm Max." He laughed too, and tipped his hat. We looked out onto the endless world for quite a bit, and he also showed me how the balloon worked. It was wonderful, and the time flew almost faster than the balloon. We ate lunch and the man showed me some of his beautiful balloon drawings, they were all colorful. Everything about this man was so colorful.

I felt tired very soon, and took a nap on the floor. I missed the whole second part of the trip, and he woke me up when the city was close. The city was so big that I couldn't see the end of it, and it was grey, but also a bit green, and red and blue. Just like you'd expect a city. The houses were very big, so much bigger than anything I had seen. We landed on a field a bit away, and I thanked the man, then went on my way. I didn't want to go into the city just yet, and I was still tired, so I rested on the edge of the field, falling asleep to the view of the sun setting and the balloon flying away. That should've been one of Pluto's drawings, I thought. But, of course he can't see his own balloon flying.

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