Ioana X Simeon

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A/N: this is a fanfic for my friend, she give me permission to use her character Ioana, (she wanted one with Asmodeus but changed her mind and here am I) hope you like it :)


Ioana's pov:

It's been a long time since I got divorced, I still remember how I was a total slut back in that time, but now  I learned my lesson and I go to church to pray that God forgives my sins.

''I regret all my sins father: cheating, having sex before marriage, having kids and abandon them, I regret all but I still pray and pray and don't feel better, what can I do father?'' I said to the confessional booth (A/N: or something like that idk I'm not so religious)

''Well you have to keep praying for your forgiveness, you did very bad things so it will be difficult for God to listen but if he sees that you are really sorry he will listen to you, don't give up and quip trying.'' he said calmly  

''Thanks father, I will keep praying'' I proceeded to leave the confession booth 

I went on my way home after praying a little more 

Waiting at a bus stop a black haired man approached me

''Excuse me miss'' the black haired man said

''He looks kinda cute- uh no take that sinful thoughts'' I thought to myself 

''Sure what do you need sir?'' I managed to respond 

''I'm a little lost, It's my first time here in Spain, can you help me?''

''Yes sure, where do you want to go?''

''I was looking for a grocery store to buy something but I can't find any in this area''

I pulled a map ''Yea right here'' I pointed in a zone of the map, he came closer to see the map I felt my heart beat faster

''Thanks miss you are so nice for helping me well I will-'' 

''Actually the bus that I wait it will stop near the place you are going'' I cut him before he was about t leave

''That's nice, oh I completely forgot my name is Simeon and your miss?''

''My name is Ioana, Ioana Popescu''

''Well Ioana, nice to meet you''

The bus arrived and we both got on the bus

I sat next to him on the bus and we had a nice conversation

The bus stopped at the station ''It seems that we arrived'' I said to Simeon

We both get out of the bus and said goodbye to each other

''Ah, and again thanks for helping me Ioana, I hope we can see each other again someday'' he walked away

''Y-Yea'' I went on my way home with a red face ''Not again I don't even know him for that long'' I thought

When I enter my house I was a blushing mess 

''I hope to see you again to Simeon'' I said with a soft voice for myself 


438 words

A/N: hope you like it and if my friend it's reading this: Just because Asmodeus it's a demon doesn't mean that the real God isn't gonna let you in heaven for liking a demon character

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