Levi X Mai

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A/N: The dog of my father's friend died and I'm really sad, I miss that dog so I'm writing this and like in this story the dog's name is Akira.

Also if you dont like chapters with oc then change the name with yours or if you're a boy change the her/she for him/he (I only know how to write femeles sorry for the reader boys but I will try write a chapter for the boys), and also if you see some grammar mistakes tell me


Mai's pov

''Why?'' I sobbed, today I heard a very sad news my dog just died, my emotional support from the human world just past away ''Why..... *sob* today was so happy so *sob* why destiny'' I cried in silent    


Today was special Lucifer let me go to the human world to have a phone call with my family obviously with the permission of Diavolo, and he told one of his brothers to come with me, to be more specific the third eldest and avatar of envy Levi

''WHAT! why me and not one of our brothers?!'' Levi said

''Because Mammon has some affairs with some witches, Satan is buying some books, Asmodeus is shopping in the city with Solomon, Bell is in the gym, Belphi well he's sleeping and I have an important meeting with Diavolo, so your the only one that is free'' Lucifer replied to his little brother

''What but today I wanted to see *insert a long title for anime* they going to release a special summer episode''

''Don't worry for that it will be a short call I'm sure that you will arrive in time to see that episode, so pretty please Levi, I really want to call them'' I said putting puppy eyes

''F-fine but I hope you will be quick I really don't want to lose that special chapter'' he said trying to hide his face from his blush

''Well I will open now the portal when you're done call me to open it again'' Lucifer said as he opened the portal to the human world

Me and Levi who still seemd a bit upset enter the portal to the human world, then Lucifer went to his important meeting with Diavolo

''Ok go and do it quick so I can go back to watching anime'' Levi said

''Fine I'll do it don't be inpacient'' I grabed my human world phone and went to a tree so that Levi would not hear my conversation, even if he doesn't understand spanish

''Hola?'' (Hello?) the voice of my father said

''Hola papa como estas?'' (Hello dad how are you?)

''Oh! Nick pense que no podias llamarnos por tu progama de intercambio'' (Oh Nick I thought you couldn't call us because of your exchange program) he's voice seemd a little nervous

''Si si pero le pedi a los..... los superiores si eso, los superiores, si podia llamaros'' (Yes yes but I asked the.....the superiors yes that, the superiors, if I could call you)

''Ah....s-si que bien, pero, ahora no es que sea un momento bueno'' (Ah....y-yes that's good, but, is not a good time)

''Porque no? que paso papa?'' (Why not? what happend dad?)

''B-Bueno Akira....ella'' (W-Well Akira....she) he took a deep breath and said something that beaked my heart

''Ella esta.....muerta'' (She is.....dead) he said in a sad tone

''Q-Que? que le paso?'' (W-What? what happend?) I feeld a tear running down my cheek

''Pues.....'' (Well.....) he paused a few seconds ''De verdad quieres saverlo? Nick se que te pondras aun mas triste si te lo cuento......'' (Do you really whant to know? Nick I know you'll get even sadder if I tell you......)

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