Makeover time

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Third person pov:

''Ughhhhh soooo boringgg'' Mammon said anoyed 

''Mammon sush I'm trying to beat this level'' said Levi concentrated in his game

''Anyway why aren't you at your room? ya said you need peace so why not go there?'' he said looking at his otaku brother

''My room is full of boxes and I don't have the time to clean it lol'' 

''Pfffff weirdo'' Mammon said whispering 

Then Asmodeus entred the living room 

''Guys~ you want to come with me at the karaoke? I wanted to go with Solomon but he said he had things to do, and I want to go with someone less atractive that me'' Asmo said a little excited

''Hey! did ya call me ugly?!! anyways why I should I go?'' said Mammon to his little brother

''Yea Asmo why we should go with you? We are bored but not that much'' Levi said puting his phone in his pocket

''I was planing to invite Y/N as well, I heard that they sing preaty good, but it's such a shame that you two don't want to go~'' Asmo said with  a little tone of fake sadness

''W-Well If they are coming m-maybe I could go, But not because I like them It's because I'm not leting them with you alone!'' Mammon blushed

''Now that I think of it the karaoke isn't a bad idea I could sing some anime openings that I really like'' 

They all went to Y/N's room

Y/N pov:

I was doing my things and all of the sudent someone enters my room

''Why it's to hard for them to knock?'' I stand up ''Hey, what do you want?'' I asked them

''You see darling I want you to come with us to the karaoke so we can have some fun~'' Asmo aproached me

''Hey hey hey! step of Asmo, where just asking them to a karaoke not one of your sick parties'' as always Mammon cockblocked Asmo from coming closer

''Yea thats not fair, don't try to get Y/N in you're sick things'' Levi said, probably jelous of Asmo being too close to me

''Ejem, I would like to come but let's just say that I'm baned from the karaoke place...'' I said a little embaraced of the situacion 

''My oh my darling, what did you do?'' Asmo looked at me 

''Let's just say that I hit someone in....the face and started a fight'' 

''Why did ya do that? If they were doing something to ya, you could call the Great Mammon to help ya with those assholes''

''That's nor fair, I'm to week to protect Y/N, I'm just some useless otaku'' Levi looked a little down so I tryed to cheer him a little

''Maybe theres something you could do Levi, like something that you like, you know'' I smiled

''Like what? I'm just some otaku that likes to cosplay.......Oh! I have an idea so you could come with us without you geting kiked out!'' I think he understood what I wanted to say and now he seem motivated of that plan of his

''Oh~ I'm curious of what plan are you thinking about~'' Asmo smirked ''If it involves some kind of makeover then I'm in~''

''Well you can say that it's a kind of makeover if you're a normie, but I prefer calling it cosplay'' 

''My my then I don't care how you call it just let me pick the oufit~''

''W-What are ya planing? because I'm not leting Y/N with you two ALONE never ever''

''Why Mammon? are you jealous?~'' I giggled at him ''Don't worry I'm not leting anyone see me change or something like that''

''Jealous? pfff as I were to, I'm just trying to do it because you might feel uncomfortable''

''LOL so tsundere LMAO''

''Who are you calling tsundere?! grrrr''

''Guys where trying to give Y/N a makeover stop fighting, come on Y/N make them to stop''

''My Diavolo, why I have always to stop the fights?''  I taked a deep breath ''Guys stop we are trying to go to the karaoke, please'' they seem to have stoped for now 

''Then I'm going to my room to pick some wigs and Asm-'' Asmo cuted Levi 

''Finally I get to dress Y/N, I'm going to make as gorgeous well better said almost gorgeous as me~''

''And what do I do? It's not like I want to help anyways... with ehh ya know with the make over, well unless you want the Mammon to help'' Mammon had his cheeks red even I noticed that

''Uhhh well you could help withhh..... ah yea, you could help with my protection when we get to the place, how does that sound Mammon?'' 

''That's good I mean, yea It's the most important thing of all the plan if it wasn't because I'm going to protect ya from the jerks this plan wouldn't make it''

Then we started with the makeover, Asmo bringed some cute clothes, Levi handed me a wig and Mammon....well he just standed there complaning how Asmo it's to close

Some minutes later:

''Wow Y/N you look gorgeous/handsome with that oufit, well obviously it's because I pick it but still it looks as amazing as I expected'' Asmo complimented me

''Yea you look like an anime character t-that I really like...heh'' He looked down embarassed at the last part

''Well then, let's get going~''

We arrived at the karaoke place

A/N: not finished and will take time but it will be published cuz why not

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