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Star (/stɑː/)

1. A fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.

2. A conventional or stylized representation of a star, typically having five or more points.
Stars and sun are different aren't they? Nah not really. Matahari tu sebenarnya bintang jugak. The only difference cuma matahari tu bersinar waktu siang..dan bintang waktu malam.
Anggaran kasar bintang dalam dunia ni ada 10²¹. Iyep. Anggaran kasar in which those numbers hampir bersamaan dengan bilangan pasir pantai dalam dunia ni. Crazy isn't it?
Hahaha I'm not going to talk about astronomy stuffs. Tadi cuma prolog.
Do you like stars? Because I do.
I'm into night view. Sebab time ni sunyi walaupun tak semua manusia tidur (termasuk si penulis). Tapi still, night view ni one of my favourite. I mean hang boleh enjoy the view dan tak terlalu terganggu dengan suara hingar-bingar kenderaan/ orang kerja.
Sepanjang aku hidup, aku pernah sekali ja keluar malam. To enjoy the view my mean. Dan kalau diberi peluang, setiap hari aku nak tengok night view lagi. Yeah couldn't deny dari asrama boleh tengok tapi tak terlalu menarik since asrama tempat aku stay ni tengah-tengah bandar. So there's not much to see.
How's the feeling? Dude, first time kot. It'll probably be the best'est' night view ever since it was my first going out at night. I do enjoyed the moment. A lot. Selain dari enjoying myself menonton kesenduan bandar Kuala Lumpur waktu malam, aku enjoy view langit jugak. Bintang dengan bulan nampak lagi menarik dari pandangan atas bukit.
Bintang. Those stars represents people for me. Special persons to be exact.
Sebab, stars shines even though it's dark. Tak macam bayang-bayang yang cuma ada waktu cerah.
Lagipun bintang aku tak banyak. Simply because I'm an ambivert. So for those stars, thanks a lot..for always being there for me through my hard times.
I'm pretty sure you guys yang baca ni mesti ada 'bintang' jugak. Kalau ada, jaga baik-baik. They're priceless.
Tapi kalau tak ada lagi, it's okay. You'll find your star soon. Maybe you're someone's star who knows kan haha ^-^
Oh and for the one bringing me out that night, thanks ;)

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