Trust (/trʌst/)
1. Believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of.
Do you easily put your trust on someone? Because I do. I keep on trusting people and it doesn't matter how much they betrayed me in the past because I believe that everyone deserves another chance. Am I stupid? Well I think I am. And being stupid makes me happy. Well, at least I know for a fact that I'm not smart enough to judge someone.
Kembali kepada tajuk ; trusting people.
Is it bad?
For me, tak. You can put your trust on anyone as I know that person is 'someone' for you am I right?
Mesti ada sebab, kenapa kita letak kepercayaan kita pada seseorang. Lagi-lagi untuk insan tersayang. Kan?
You can't easily trust someone you just met. Walaupun muka dia macam malaikat sekalipun.
Because sometimes humans are scarier than ghosts. Hahaha.
Oh! If you have ever been betrayed by someone you trust, don't feel bad for trusting them. It's their loss, not yours. :)
Yeet. But do remember that everyone deserves chance. Even Allah gives us chance to repent everyday.
And if you're the one someone put their trust to, please.. don't ever think of ruining their trust.
Knowing someone who puts their trust on you is a blessing. So don't lose 'em.
Dan untuk dia yang aku percaya;
I keep my trust on you lil' moon <3
RandomProlly a random sequence about life. Anyway, penggunaan manglish yang banyak sebab penulis sendiri cakap bahasa rojak dan sukar difahami (huh) *sobbing Enjoy! ^-^