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M/n= male name
L/n= last name
F/n= friends name
Warning: angst (not a lot tho)

M/n's POV

I arrive home after hanging out with my best friend F/n for a while. As I went to the living room I didn't see my boyfriend Zack anywhere. "Zack?!.." No response, he's usually here when I get back to give me a welcome kiss or hug, but not today.

I went into our room and saw that he wasn't there . I heard sniffling coming from the bathroom connected to our bedroom. The door was a bit open so I went in and there I saw Zack, most of his bandages were off and he was looking at himself in the mirror.

He turned to me and I saw that he had been crying for a while now and still was.. His eyes were all puffy and red. "Zack.." I said in a worried tone. "D-don't look at me I'm hideous I'm a monster!" Tears running down his face.

3rd pov

M/n was shocked at what his lover was saying. "No you're not!! Don't say such a th-" "But it's true! Look at me! Why do you even love me?!" He said voice cracking. Suddenly the smaller boy approached his lover and hugged him tightly. He nuzzled his face into Zack's chest.

"Isaac Foster you are not hideous or a monster and I want you to know that. I don't care if you kill or are a psychopath, all I know is that I love you and I love you just the way you are, you are my psychopath. And I also know that I never want to lose or leave you! I always want to be by your side no matter what.. So listen to me when I say you are not a monster or hideous, I would never lie to you.."

When the boy got no response he let go of his lover to look at him. Isaac looked straight forward not looking at the smaller boy, no longer crying. Zack was trying to process everything the boy just said.

"Isaac?" Suddenly Zack hugged his boyfriend tightly not ever wanting to let go and so did the smaller boy. Isaac let a tear fall down his cheek and whispered to M/n, "what would I ever do without you."

They let go of each other and M/n got on his tippy toes and gave Zack a peck on the lips. Zack returned it but with a deep passionate kiss. It wasn't a lustful kiss it was a kiss full of love and passion. They separated for air panting lightly, M/n smiled at his lover and Zack smiled back. "I love you M/n" "I love you too Isaac"


Hehe what a happy ending (*'˘'*)♡

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