Thursday - February 27

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Jaylen left Numa Adams feeling defeated. She'd just taken an anatomy test and was completely unsatisfied with her grade.


Are you done with class?

[Skull's Paradise🎳🇯🇲]

Yep, you done with your test?

How did it go?



But anyways, I'm hungry

[Skull's Paradise🎳🇯🇲]

Want to go to The Pen? I have a craving for WOW



I'll just head straight there

[Skull's Paradise]


Jaylen was about to head up to The Pen, when another text stopped her in her tracks.


You want to get food after your class?

Jaylen immediately called Devon, this was getting to be a lot.


"Girl Kyonze asked me to get food after my class."

"Say yes." Devon said with no hesitation.

"I- but we're eating together."

"Okay so? Tell him meet you at The Pen and I'll just do it like I did with Oliver."


"I said..." Devon said firmly.

"Okay fine." Jaylen said, sighing. She hung up, texting Kyonze back.


I'm out now, headed to The Pen actually


Ok, leaving Burr now

Jaylen pushed it up the hill, which she would've never done normally, but for some reason she was excited to see Kyonze. With it only being 7 P.M., there were the occasional crowds of students walking back to their dorms. Two freshmen girls passed by, talking about how cute the basketball players were. It made her chuckle, a year ago that had been her and Devon.

Dominic and Cole came out of the side door, stopping to greet the girls who were conveniently about to walk in. Jaylen watched in awe, both men who usually sported dark hoodies were in pink or salmon colored hoodies. They both had their hair in twists, and despite their normal menacing looks, the boys were all smiles. Whew, Devon is one lucky girl. The girls went inside, and as they passed by Jaylen, they both looked at her. A chill ran down her spine, and she frowned. Don't look at me, you don't know anything.

Bluebird was much warmer than outside, Jaylen sighing under the weight of her backpack. She heard laughing coming from the stairs. Joaquin and Enrique came around the corner, conversing in a mix between Spanish and English. Jaylen forced herself not to stop walking as Omar followed close behind them. Was it a coincidence, or were all of the soccer boys inside or leaving The Pen? Roman and Leo were coming up the stairs, staring straight at Jaylen. What is it with them? Does this entire org have a staring problem? Jaylen stepped carefully, she would end it all if she tripped down the stairs in front of them.

The Pen was nowhere near the dinner rush, but it was beginning to fill up. The cafe doors were closed, but still some stragglers sat and ate, mostly the swim team and a few football players. Jaylen's eyebrows pushed together as she spotted bright pink braids at a booth. How did she get here before me?

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