Sunday - March 8

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Jaylen dropped her bowling bags in the closet space in the hallway, only slightly caring as it thudded to the ground. She couldn't contain her frustration, and right now all she wanted to do was get in bed and sleep. Jaylen unlocked her room door, dropping her duffel bag on the floor, the door slamming behind her. She yanked off her travel suit, tossing them on top of the duffel. A text message took her out of her fervent pacing. Reluctantly, she picked up the phone, not necessarily in the mood to talk to anyone. However, her mood brightened as she saw Kyonze's name.


I know you just got back, but I want to see you

Nuh care if yuh tired, come see me

Please 😙

Jaylen shook her head, a silly grin on her face. How could he be baby boy and daddy within the same text thread. Dangerous. She headed for the shower, texting him back.


I'll be down in 15

She turned her phone up all the way- the music blasting above the sound of the running water, only feeling slightly sorry for her suitemates. Jaylen got in, the steam rising. The water was hot, soothing her sore muscles and making her sleepy. It was nearing eight at night, there was a chance that she'd fall asleep in Kyonze's room. Not that she'd mind, except for the possibility of having to sneak out of his room in the morning.

Dressed in an oversized T-shirt, compression shorts and knee socks, Jaylen headed downstairs. She again went her "covert" route, even more cautious now that she had less clothes on. If Dana, Shay or any of the ARK brothers caught her headed into 227 she was dead.

She sent the text, watching as the door opened. Jaylen launched into a tiny jog, nearly tripping over her "dick appointment" slippers. Kyonze broke out into a laugh as he caught her.

"Stop it's not funny, you're always laughing at me."

He continued to laugh, hugging Jaylen against his chest. She closed her eyes, inhaling his scent. His arms were strong, squeezing her slightly. Coming apart, they walked into Kyonze's room. "Uh uh Jaylen, sit pon di bed." it was an order, but his tone was sweet. He waited for her to move, placing the bottles on the desk. Jaylen hopped into the bed, groaning at her sore muscles. They hurt less after the hot shower, but still three days of straight bowling had taken her down for the count. She sat up straight, her legs dangling over the bed. Kyonze hopped up beside her, laying on his side. He pulled her by her waist, Jaylen eventually getting the memo. She laid back against him, his hands wrapping around her.

"How was the tournament?" His voice was laced with concern. Jaylen thought back over the weekend, with a long sigh. Kyonze rubbed his fingers against her skin gently, she almost forgot his question.

"It started off really great. We were in second place at the end of day one. We even kept the energy up on day two, second place again. But today, I don't know what happened. I guess the girls were getting frustrated with their shots, but it's like they started giving up. And of course, Coach sometimes doesn't make the best decisions. He put in Veronica, which no offense I love her, wasn't exactly the right choice. She cried maybe three times this whole weekend," Jaylen hadn't meant to give Kyonze the entire rundown of the weekend, but once she started she couldn't stop herself. It was like she could feel the frustration all over again. Kyonze nodded quietly against her, his beard tickling her neck.

"Sound like unnu need fi straighten out da freshie deh. Yuh coach too." Jaylen laughed at his response. Leave it to Kyonze to tell it like it was. She felt better, having gotten her frustrations out. Kyonze reached for the remote, turning his tv on. He flicked through movies, Underworld catching his eye.

Halfway through the movie, Jaylen felt herself falling asleep. She stretched, trying to keep herself awake. Kyonze, who was also less than awake, pulled her closer to him.

"Me know yuh a fall asleep." He mumbled.

"No." Jaylen lied. She was, but he didn't need to know that. His hands were warm against her skin. Jaylen had just barely worked up the strength to leave, when Kyonze wrapped a leg around her. His muscled thighs twitched as he adjusted himself to a comfortable position. Jaylen gave in, letting herself drift to sleep, but not before feeling a kiss on her shoulder.

Jaylen rolled over, confused by her strange environment. The spot beside her was warm but empty. The door opened, light pouring in. She sat up, blinking. Kyonze stood in front of his window, his hair dripping from the shower. He had no shirt on, Jaylen's eyes traveling the length of his back, stopping at the grey shorts. Kyonze pulled on his grey jersey, turning to Jaylen, who sat rubbing her eyes.

"Mawning". He said quietly, Jaylen could only manage a small smile.

"I have conditioning and a run, but me walk you to your room." He said, pulling up his socks to his shins. Jaylen stifled a laugh, hopping down from the bed. She wondered what time it was, checking her phone. 7:15. She was going to get right back in bed, and go back to sleep - if her body would cooperate. Kyonze held her hand, as they waited for the elevator. They had just gotten on the elevator when Leo yelled down the hallway.

"Shatta where you ah go?"

Jaylen's jaw dropped, Kyonze laughing again. He squeezed her hand.

"Relax, he'll be fine."

Kyonze walked Jaylen to the door, giving her a hug, before he hit the button for the freight elevator. She walked inside, tired but excited. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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