Monday - February 17

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Devon yawned as she navigated through The Market. She was tired from their flight that morning, and as soon as she bought her things, she was going to get straight in her bed and sleep until it was time for class the next day. The Market was pretty empty, Devon on a mission to get herself a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She headed over to the cereal, bumping into someone. She looked up, stepping back as she realized who it was. He gets bigger every time I see him.

Dominic smiled down at her, a change from his usual glare. He opened his arms for a hug, Devon trying to hide her smile as she rested her head against his chest.

"Yuh good?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah. Wah yuh a buy?"

Devon meekly grabbed the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, holding it up. Dominic grabbed the box, his fingers grazing hers.

"Me pay for yuh. Wha and wha else yuh want?"

"Dominic no, I can buy my stuff." Devon protested. He kissed his teeth, snatching the box away from Devon as she reached for it.

"I said I'd pay for it. Yuh me valentine remember? Hard ears gyal."

Devon's jaw dropped, he didn't have to drag her like that.

"That's it." she lied. Dominic kissed his teeth again.

"Stop lie, me know yuh want more den dat." Mind your business Dominic.

"Mind your business." Devon grumbled, grabbing a chocolate bar, a bag of chips and a bottle of cranberry juice. They got in line, Devon reluctantly putting her items on the counter. Dominic pulled out his ID, handing it to the cashier. He grabbed the bag, pulling it away from her.

"Give it to me, what are you doing?" She whined as he turned left instead of walking into the courtyard.

"We're going upstairs." Dominic said nonchalantly. He chuckled as Devon straightened up in the corner of his eye. Yuh quiet now eh.

"Oh." she said quietly. She felt silly for whining a minute ago, wanting to sink into the ground from embarrassment.

Both of them walked by the front desk, Devon showing her ID but covering the red "East" sticker. Dominic pressed the up button on the elevator, looking down at Devon as they waited. It was cute that she was so shy, given the fact that she was not like that at parties. He'd seen her plenty of times -not knowing it was her- and thought about catching a wine.

The elevator dinged, bringing him out of his thoughts. He gestured for Devon to get on first, still watching her. She got in, standing the corner opposite to the buttons. He pressed six and then smoothed over to Devon, getting in her personal bubble. She wasn't going to act shy on him. He grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers.

Oh my God, I'm going to die in this elevator. Devon's heart jumped as Dominic's rough palm engulfed hers. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, she probably wouldn't make it out of the elevator. Would she even make it to his room? Oh God, his room. Devon forced herself to stop thinking about it, before her palms got sweaty. He led her down the hallway, letting go of her hand to open the door to his suite.

"Joshua! Cole!" he yelled, into the suite. There was no answer, Dominic shrugging. He brought her down the hall to his room, unlocking that door. Devon walked in, standing in the middle of the room as she looked around. His room was surprisingly clean, save for the rum bottles lined up along the ground. His Jamaican flag hung on the wall, falling behind his TV. He had a couch, where his backpack and laptop were sitting. On the wall above his door was an "EXIT" sign, and she recognized it as one that had gone missing from the second floor in East. She turned to look at his closet, which was full of hoodies in nearly every color.

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